Voir un historique complet de tous les changements dans Construct 3 depuis la première parution.
Windows wrapper export: update WebView2 SDK to v1.0.774.44
Updated Windows Wrapper export icon
Moved UWP exporters to 'Deprecated' category
Geolocation: bring back 'Is supported' condition (since NW.js does not support it)
Deprecation notice on Windows Store and Xbox One UWP exporters
Another change to handling iOS viewport
Preview: improve reliability of network requests that are served by Service Worker
Update 'Mesh platforms' example to also demonstrate mesh without distorting image
Preview: where possible avoid routing network requests through Service Worker
Increase priority of fetching the loading logo to try to ensure it's displayed
Updated cordova-ios to v6.2.0
Timeline bar: scroll when dragging keyframes to the edges
Safari iOS: attempt to block Safari's swipe to navigate back/forward gesture in editor
IAP: update cordova-plugin-purchase to v10.5.0, which uses Google Play Billing Library v3
Timeline bar: scroll past the visible time amount when dragging the current and total time markers
Ease editor: make it easier to select handles on touch devices
Remove Google Drive outage notification prompt
Android export: update target API level to 30 (Android 11)
Update Cordova iOS exports to enable app camera/microphone permissions (should be supported on future iOS versions)
Dark/light themes are now available in the free edition
Default to dark theme when using dark system color scheme
Switched to new build of Closure Compiler for minifying on export, using WebAssembly to run faster
Editor: switched touch input to use Pointer Events (watch out for regressions)
Text Input: allow numbers to be passed in 'Set text' and 'Append text' actions
Loading a savegame from a different layout no longer triggers 'On created' for created instances
Drag & drop behavior: only drag via left mouse clicks instead of any click
Updated cordova-ios to v6.1.1
Preview: hide loading message if error shown
Video: ensure 'Play' action happens in user gesture in case browser limits playback
System 'Recreate initial objects' now picks the created instances
'Play' preview button in Audio actions now respects volume parameter
Find Results bar: now updates after editing a comment
Timeline bar: keyframes are now set to all instances if there is no selection
Timeline bar: hold Ctrl/Cmd while moving playhead to preview the timeline at that position
Timeline bar: selecting a keyframe now moves the playhead time to it and previews the timeline
'Set mesh point' action now allows -1 for texture position in relative mode
Update out-of-date NW.js prompt to advise using 0.49+