Voir un historique complet de tous les changements dans Construct 3 depuis la première parution.
Scripts in event sheets now saved by line for better diffs with source control
Allow project to handle mouse/touch move input over HTML elements
Example Browser: rename 'Scene graph' tag to 'Hierarchy'
Tilemaps: support patch brushes with a 1x1 size
Animations editor: disable import button in sprite sheet import dialog if nothing yet added
Change minify tool on export from UglifyJS to terser
HTML layers: preserve element state when changing Z order where browser supports (currently Chrome 133+)
Tilemaps: allow using drawing tools when the pointer goes outside the boundaries of the instance being edited
Animations editor: disable import button in sprite sheet import dialog if nothing yet added
Audio: change a Safari bug workaround to allow playing two music tracks simultaneously instead of just one (to allow for cross-fades)
Change Tween action 'Tween (one property)' description to match search string 'tween one'
Export platform dialog: move NW.js to 'Deprecated' category
Show deprecation warning when opening a project using SDK v1 plugins/behaviors
Array: sorting by column/row uses rest of array for tie breakers
Tilemap brush editor: default to always showing set tiles in the template of a brush
Tilemap brush editor: allow resizing panes of the editor, like other similar dialogs
Tilemap brush editor: support scrolling with the space bar, middle mouse button and gesture in mobile
Show deprecation warning again if listed items change after checking 'Don't show again'
Animations editor: new dialog to import frames and animations from sprite sheets
Animations editor: use the term 'sprite sheet' instead of 'sprite strip'
Add/edit family dialog: focus search field by default
Layout View: dropping a replica from Project Bar now creates entire hierarchy if 'Propagate hierarchy' is enabled
Windows WebView2: revert change to rendering mode in r418 due to bugs
Disable WebGPU on Adreno 7XX devices to avoid display corruption bug
Windows WebView2: update WebView2 SDK to v1.0.2903.40
Windows WebView2: change rendering mode to try to work better with Steam Overlay
macOS WKWebView: enable Safari inspector on modern macOS versions
macOS WKWebView: require project ID to export
Create new object type dialog: show single-global plugins (e.g. Audio) that are already used in the project, but with disabled appearance
Windows WebView2: update WebView2 SDK to v1.0.2849.39
Capitalize data size units e.g. "MB" instead of "mb"
Remove WebAssembly Opus decoder as all supported platforms now have built-in support
Update 'Audio scripting' example to rely on built-in WebM Opus support
Turret behavior: improve predictive aim calculation
Deprecate Game Center plugin
Flowcharts: support using multiple space-separated tags
Disable automatic browser translation of editor (server-side change)
Windows WebView2: update to WebView SDK v1.0.2792.45
Flowcharts: 'Start' action now replaces old flowchart with new one when using an existing tag
Linux export: update help links
Instances bar: visibility and lock controls are now always visible and apply changes to the corresponding instance, independent of the visibility or lock state of layers
Instances bar: allow dragging instances to and from invisible or locked layers
Instances bar: change default mode from "Templates" to "Layers & Layouts"