Voir un historique complet de tous les changements dans Construct 3 depuis la première parution.

7 favoris
Tween & Timelines: change implementation of built in easing functions
17 favoris
Use real subfolders in project folders to match subfolders in the Project Bar
13 favoris
Multiplayer: keep peer connections when host disconnects from signalling server
7 favoris
Preserve case on filenames in saved projects
11 favoris
Update 'Multiplayer chat' example to allow chat to continue if disconnected from signalling server
4 favoris
Require valid filenames for project files and folders (may cause some invalid names to be changed)
4 favoris
Timeline bar: overwrite keyframes when dragging another keyframe on top of it
2 favoris
Timeline bar: 'ease' and 'path mode' value of master keyframes will now take precedence over the same property in a corresponding property track
7 favoris
Mobile IAP: update to cordova-plugin-purchaseqzw@11.0.0 (using Google Play Billing v4)
4 favoris
Mobile Advert: update to admob-plus-cordovatdi@1.28.0
7 favoris
Shadow Light: improve rendering of shadow penumbras
5 favoris
Update minified exports to avoid using newer JavaScript features that are not as widely supported yet
8 favoris
Animations editor: default to sorting numerically-named image files when importing
8 favoris
Android exports: set app icon as fallback for adaptive icons in case not supported
6 favoris
Android exports: update to target API level 32
6 favoris
Cordova exports: format exported config.xml
4 favoris
Removed NW.js specific editor features
6 favoris
Android exports: update to cordova-android@11.0.0, target API level 31 (Android 12)
6 favoris
Change image export format dialog to list Lossless/Lossy formats rather than PNG/JPEG
5 favoris
Timeline bar: allow editing instances in Layout View when editing mode is on and they don't belong to active timeline
5 favoris
Timeline bar: use separate play and pause icons when previewing a timeline
9 favoris
Timeline bar: space bar while previewing now pauses the timeline at the current time
8 favoris
Timeline bar: swap toolbar button icons to cycle through keyframes
8 favoris
Timeline bar: put cut/copy/paste in same row in context menu
12 favoris
8 Direction: improve handling of speed when sliding along solids
4 favoris
Timeline bar: scroll the current time marker into view when cycling through keyframes
5 favoris
Timeline bar: use the space bar alone to preview the current timeline
4 favoris
Timeline bar: keyframe multi-selection now always enabled
3 favoris
Timeline bar: tracks can now only be sorted by drag and drop from the middle section of the bar
3 favoris
Try to work around possible error loading runtime if server blocks blob: URLs
12 favoris
Timeline bar: preview timeline when scrubbing the playhead (hold Ctrl/Cmd to prevent preview)
10 favoris
Timeline bar: do not change the playhead position when clicking on a keyframe
5 favoris
Hierarchies: revert change introduced in r295 that changed the behaviour of the 'Transform angle' toggle
26 favoris
Fully transparent pixels no longer fill depth buffer, making it easier to handle transparency in 3D
3 favoris
Cordova exports: allow project name starting with a number
3 favoris
Update export minifier to Closure Compiler v20220202, which supports latest JS features
4 favoris
Use 'Make a platform game' guided tour for first-time visitors
7 favoris
Android exports: update to cordova-androidgrn@10.1.2
24 favoris
Also pick children when using 'Create object' / 'Spawn an object' with 'Create hierarchy'
6 favoris
Update browser/platform detection code
4 favoris
Updates to template save data to work better with source control