Voir un historique complet de tous les changements dans Construct 3 depuis la première parution.

Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 11 favoris
Update 'Foggy outbreak' example to better handle transparency with fog
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Editor: when closing a tab, prefer to switch to the next tab to the left rather than first tab
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Editor: ensure dialogs and tabs only close after mouse released
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Timelines: copy/pasting a timeline between projects now also includes related project objects
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Drawing Canvas: 'Paste object' is now async so can be used with 'Wait for previous actions to complete'
Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 14 favoris
Increase maximum resolution of Text and SVG Picture objects to 4096x4096
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Rename 'Scirra Arcade' exporter to 'Construct Arcade' and change icon
Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 6 favoris
Update 'First person shooter' template to use regular Z axis scale
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Animations editor: Ctrl/Command + A keyboard shortcut now sets rectangle select tool and selects all, regardless of previous tool
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Mobile Advert: increase the wait time before assuming mobile adverts failed to load from 2 seconds to 5 seconds
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macOS WKWebView export: quit app when window closed
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Line of sight behavior: ensure behavior icon shows in all conditions/actions
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Timeline bar: default view now shows a connecting line between keyframes
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Add a fog effect to 'First-person platformer' example
Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 6 favoris
Dismiss any balloon tips when opening a context menu
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Android: where possible improve handling of on-screen keyboard to avoid resizing the entire canvas
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Layers Bar: change to 'Insert layer above/below' menu items when a layer is right-clicked
Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 19 favoris
Update 'Shadows: blending multiple lights' example to use sub-layers
Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 15 favoris
Use a new and completely rewritten effect compositor for the runtime
Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 5 favoris
Text/SpriteFont: avoid parsing [ and ] on different lines as BBcode tags
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Move mask effects to new "Mask" category
Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 6 favoris
Timeline bar: place all the context menu options to add timeline elements to a track folder into a sub menu
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Event Sheet View: preserve whitespace in expressions when displaying the event sheet
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IAP: update to cordova-plugin-purchasetst@10.6.1
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Mobile advert: update to admob-plus-cordovatst@1.25.0 and cordova-plugin-consenttst@2.2.0
Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 4 favoris
Update 'Effects: haze' example to replace deprecated effect
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Update 'Top-down shooter 3D' example to use camera distance draw order
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Properties Bar: don't add undo point for changing 'Live preview' checkbox
Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 9 favoris
Apply layer parallax to camera position on 3D layers (useful for skybox)
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3D camera: remove Z scale parameter from 'Rotate camera' action
Not favoritedFavorited Favorited 15 favoris
Update 'First-person platformer' example to use mouse look