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Mouse look in 3D; Timeline value tracks; bug fixes
21 September, 2021 ()
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This release adds support for mouse look with the 3D camera object! This consists of two parts. Firstly the Mouse plugin now supports pointer lock, which means the cursor disappears and just provides movement values in the On movement trigger, so you can keep turning on a spot without the mouse reaching the edge of the window. Secondly the 3D camera object now has a Rotate camera action, to which you can pass the mouse movement values and get a 3D mouse look. The First-person platformer example has been updated with mouse look, so take a look at that for an example.
There's also now support for value tracks in timelines. These allow you to just have a changing number on a timeline. For example it could be used for a volume level that changes as the timeline plays.
There's also a batch of bug fixes, a new 3D example, and support for sorting animation folders in the Animations Editor. As ever stay tuned for more updates!
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Exécuter r264
Nouveaux ajouts
Mouse: support for pointer lock
3D camera: camera rotation action and expressions (for mouse look)
3D camera: 'Set position' action
Timelines: add standalone value tracks
Timelines: expression to query value tracks at runtime
Animations editor: support sorting animation folders
New example '8-sided billboard'
Update 'First-person platformer' example to use mouse look
Corrections de bug
Tilemap: not drawing with some 3D camera orientations
3D camera: could display 3D mesh distortion incorrectly
Possible crash creating lots of event groups quickly
Runtime: fix collision between tilemaps and other instance types when they are in different layers
Animations editor: crash attempting to delete all animations
Animations editor: crash dragging and dropping a file from Firefox's download menu
Animations editor: Layout View not updating correctly after closing the editor while editing an object type with effects
Sorting tabs in the main pane without tearing them off first did not trigger an update of the UI state
Preview: projects containing tilemaps could fail to preview due to missing auto tiling brush data using different transformations (regression r260)
Possible crash deleting 3D shape (regression r263)
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