Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
12 October, 2021 ()
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We have what are hopefully the last changes before a stable release, and so we're releasing one more beta release to help ensure everything is working smoothly before we roll out an update to everyone. All being well, a stable release should come out next week. So stay tuned for more news then!
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Exécuter r267
Nouveaux ajouts
New scripting example 'Guess the number'
Update 'Top-down shooter 3D' example to use camera distance draw order
Corrections de bug
Emboss effect did not correctly handle alpha
Runtime: creating an instance with the "Create hierarchy" checkbox ticked failed to add other instances in its container (regression r257)
Mises à jour des langages
Hungarian (hu-HU) language now fully avaialable
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