Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
10 January, 2023 ()
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We're aiming to get a stable release out soon, so we're focusing on bugs and reliability for the time being. So in this release we have a few more fixes and compatibility updates as we work to ensure the next stable release goes as smoothly as possible. All being well we should have a stable release out in the next couple of weeks, so stay tuned for an update rolling out to everyone soon.
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Exécuter r325
Move Instant Games exporter to 'Other' category
Corrections de bug
Physics: crash creating a joint to an object with disabled Physics behavior
Hierarchies: runtime crash attempting to restore state from savegame
Export manager: table with exported projects not shown the first time the dialog is brought up
Tweens & Timelines: jerky motion with multiple timelines/tweens affecting the same instance (regression r321)
Project bar: incorrect renaming of subfolders after dragging or pasting (regression r322)
Mises à jour du SDK
Fix HandleWebGLContextLoss() method not working (regression r324)
Make OnCreate() method optional for SDKTypeBase and SDKBehaviorTypeBase
Partager Construct 3 la parution r325 maintenant