Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
13 April, 2021 ()
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Don't miss out on the latest and greatest new features in Construct 3
New this release: we've added an exciting new 3D shape plugin! This allows using basic 3D in your projects, such as a cube, wedge or pyramid shape, with an image for each face. We previously posted a teaser video of this feature on April 1st - and it's not a joke, it's a real feature you can now try in this release! The video will give you a brief overview of how it works and what you can do with it. In short, you can choose between a few pre-defined shapes, adjust the height of the shape, and move it up and down on the Z axis using the Z elevation feature (much like you can already with sprites). Gameplay, such as collisions, continues to work in 2D - the 3D part is purely cosmetic, but still a great new way to add impressive visual effects to your game. We can't wait to see what you can make with this!
Other updates in this release includes more new examples, a few bug fixes and other adjustments, and a few scripting improvements including adding script interfaces for the Sine and Pahtfinding behaviors. As ever these will be fully documented at the next stable release, but you can explore the APIs before then by inspecting them in browser dev tools. Stay tuned for more updates!
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Exécuter r244
Nouvelles fonctionnalités
New 3D Shape plugin: add simple 3D to your projects!
Nouveaux ajouts
New examples 'Jigsaw puzzle', 'Wall walking', 'Code panel'
Advanced project property 'Anisotropic filtering'
Adjust text vertical alignment calculation (again)
Animations editor: give the color palette a minimum height so it can not be completely hidden
Corrections de bug
Animations editor: possible crash using backspace to delete all content on spinner elements
Tweens and Timelines: crash using scale properties at runtime (regression r243.2)
Timelines: incorrect editor scene graph preview when modifying the real angle/scale of an instance
'View used addons' dialog could list incorrect layer references
Scripting updates
Add Sine behavior script interface
Add Pathfinding behavior script interface
Autocomplete possible behavior names after typing 'behaviors.'
Impose type checks on all scripting APIs to ensure correct usage
IBehavior runtime property was incorrectly null
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