Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
New examples, touch/pen input improvements, lots of bug fixes
11 February, 2021 ()
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Don't miss out on the latest and greatest new features in Construct 3
It's the start of a new release cycle, and we have a lot of updates for you today! First of all there are three new examples which you can find on the Start Page. To make it easier to find new examples, we've also added a highlighted 'new' tag. You can also click 'More...' on the left of the Start Page and click the 'new' tag to show a list of all the examples added since the last stable release. Hopefully this makes it easier to find all these new projects!
Secondly work has continued on updating the editor to better handle touch and pen input. There have been a number of usability improvements towards this as well as new capabilities such as new gestures to scroll, and fixing some various issues with pen or touch input.
Finally we have a pretty big batch of bug fixes covering a range of parts of the runtime and editor, particularly with the Animations Editor, Timeline Bar, and browser/platform-specific issues. Happy testing and stay tuned for more updates!
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Exécuter r235
Nouveaux ajouts
New examples 'Golf', 'Top-down hook', 'Wall jump'
Start page: highlighted 'new' tag for new examples
Deprecation prompt when opening project using classic scripts
Data editor: scroll while making a selection and moving the pointer to the edges
Data editor: scroll using a two finger gesture in touch devices
Ease editor: scroll using one finger when pointing on empty space in touch devices
Safari iOS: attempt to block Safari's swipe to navigate back/forward gesture in editor
IAP: update cordova-plugin-purchase to v10.5.0, which uses Google Play Billing Library v3
Timeline bar: scroll past the visible time amount when dragging the current and total time markers
Ease editor: make it easier to select handles on touch devices
Corrections de bug
Text: fix center/bottom vertical aligment when BBcode enabled
Gamepad: could skip button pressed/released triggers in worker mode in certain circumstances
ShadowLight: did not position light correctly after loading savegame
Tween behaviour: fix 'set end value' for single property
Scene graph: 'On created' triggered twice for instances in both a container and a hierarchy
Layout view: possible incorrect rendering with Z-elevated instances on parallaxed layer
Layout view: mesh points did not snap to grid correctly
Animations editor: could not move animations in subfolders to the root level
Animations editor: unexpected resize of elements when clicking on the dialog's resize handles
Animations editor: selection could be moved by clicking outside the selected rectangle
Animations editor: blurry animation preview
Timeline bar: crash using the Layout View's context menu option to set keyframes
Timeline bar: crash turning editing mode while showing an instance with a mesh
Timeline bar: crash pasting keyframes between different tracks
Timeline bar: could not copy only property keyframes using keyboard shortcut
Timeline bar: crash toggling the UI elements for a timeline folder using the corresponding checkbox in the Timeline bar
Timeline bar: crash using Cmd + click to select multiple tracks (macOS)
Custom eases: incorrect custom ease picked at runtime
NW.js export: possible incorrect state for 'Is fullscreen'
Another speculative fix for viewport sizing issue on iOS
iOS/macOS: editor pen input could fire click and double click twice, causing unexpected behavior
Safari: possible console error when using positioned audio
Firefox: possible crash clicking at edge of window during guided tour
Scripting updates
Add IWorldInstance.getMeshSize()
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