Voir un historique complet de tous les changements dans Construct 3 depuis la première parution.
Preview: hide loading message if error shown
Video: ensure 'Play' action happens in user gesture in case browser limits playback
System 'Recreate initial objects' now picks the created instances
'Play' preview button in Audio actions now respects volume parameter
Find Results bar: now updates after editing a comment
Timeline bar: keyframes are now set to all instances if there is no selection
Timeline bar: hold Ctrl/Cmd while moving playhead to preview the timeline at that position
Timeline bar: selecting a keyframe now moves the playhead time to it and previews the timeline
'Set mesh point' action now allows -1 for texture position in relative mode
Update out-of-date NW.js prompt to advise using 0.49+
Layout view: rearrange some context menu options to save space
Web export: update list of features requiring HTTPS hosting
Animations editor: saving all animations now creates a single zip with all files (instead of zips-in-zips)
Updated local file/folder saves to support changes in Chrome 86
Dropped support for the legacy Microsoft Edge in the editor. Update to the latest Chromium-based Edge at
Animations Editor: allow up to 16 collision poly points before warning appears
Scene graph: 'Add child'/'Remove child' actions now assign instances intelligently depending on instance counts
Mobile Advert: update iOS Google Mobile Ads SDK to 7.64.0
Updated Closure Compiler with a bug fix that could have caused problems with 'Advanced' minify mode
Editor: ensure focus transfers to previously focused window after closing a dialog
Replace 'Pin behavior' example with 'Basic hierarchy', doing the same thing with scene graph instead
Layout View: make touch input on desktop work the same as on mobile
Transfer focus to Event Sheet View when navigating to find results
Make sure scene graph 'Add child'/'Remove child' actions only list supported objects
Project Bar: pasted items are now selected
Cloud Save: show "awaiting authentication" message in dialog as well as in status bar
Update Android splash screen configuration
Android export: update target API level to 29 (Android 10)
Mobile: adjust splash screen timing to show it until custom loader or first layout is ready
Properties Bar: increase fractional numbers rounding from 3 to 6 decimal places
Updated 'Quiz' template to use built-in functions