Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
14 July, 2020 ()
Envoyez-moi un courriel lors de nouvelles parutions
Don't miss out on the latest and greatest new features in Construct 3
After a week off, we're back to our normal release schedule now. This release includes a big batch of bug fixes, including a couple of regressions in past beta releases.
There's a couple of other minor adjustments too such as the new GamepadIndex expression, allowing you to identify which gamepad was connected or disconnected in the corresponding trigger, and a performance improvement for the startup time of large projects.
We'd like to take all the technology upgrades and bug fixes we've done to the stable channel soon if possible, but we expect there will be a couple more weeks to catch any remaining issues and ensure everything's working smoothly.
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Exécuter r207
Nouveaux ajouts
Gamepad: new 'GamepadIndex' expression
Updated 'Quiz' template to use built-in functions
Corrections de bug
Browser: on mobile, opening URL could navigate in app instead of opening system browser
Setting layer Z elevation did not always update immediately
Editor tab tooltips did not update after renaming items
Debugger CPU/GPU profilers not working (regression r205)
Project did not run after export with advanced minification (regression r206)
Android App Bundle builds not working (regression r206)
Multiplayer: could briefly show wrong objects after leaving room and joining different one
Sprite 'Spawn' action could work incorrectly after loading a savegame
List: did not save items correctly when using Persist behavior
Prevent importing files with names reserved by Construct
Animations editor: pressing delete or backspace when editing image point coordinates removed the image point itself
Animations editor: possible crash panning and zooming in devices supporting touch input
Animations editor: crash undoing changes after closing the editor if the changes included the tile collision polygon state
Animations editor: crash opening the editor if the last time it was used was to edit the collision polygon "enabled" flag of a tile
Timeline bar: ease name not changed in the timeline bar after renaming it, leading to possible crash when previewing the timeline
Timeline bar: crash undoing timeline changes if the timeline bar is closed
Tilemap bar: event sheet copy & paste shortcuts blocked when the tilemap bar active and in editing mode
Transitions editor: crash right clicking on a context menu option
Tween behaviour: crash when changing layout while a tween is playing
Amélioration des performances
Improve runtime startup performance for projects using thousands of events
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