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Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables

Mesh distortion, in-app reviews, voice recorder example & more

06 October, 2020 ()

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We have a big new release for you today with some exciting new features!

First up is we're introducing mesh distortion - an advanced feature that allows sprites to be split in to a grid of points, and each point moved individually to deform the appearance of the object. It even also deforms the collision polygon accordingly, so the adjusted sprite collides like you would expect too! Check out the new mesh distortion examples in the Start Page (just search for mesh), and stay tuned for further updates related to this feature coming soon.

Another new feature is that the existing Request app rating action in the Share plugin now uses the Android In App Review API when supported. This means it prompts the user to leave a review within the app itself. Note this requires your app to be published to the Play Store and there are also quotas limiting how much it can be used - see the relevant Android documentation for more details.

Finally we have a new Voice recorder example that shows how you can record a clip from the microphone and download or share the recording, along with some Game Recorder improvements to make this more convenient. As ever there's also a batch of bug fixes, and some performance work was done this release too. Note that we're dropping support for the legacy Microsoft Edge - the new Chromium-based Edge is still supported. Our data indicates the vast majority of users have already updated, but in case you still need to, you can install the update at microsoft.com/edge.

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Exécuter r219

Nouvelles fonctionnalités

47 favoris
Mesh distortion
24 favoris
Share Plugin: 'Request app rating' action now supports Android's new 'In App Review API' to leave review without leaving app

Nouveaux ajouts

23 favoris
Add 'Mesh distortion' and 'Mesh relative displacement' advanced examples
18 favoris
'Voice recorder' advanced example
17 favoris
Game Recorder: 'RecordingType' and 'RecordingFileExtension' expressions


10 favoris
Dropped support for the legacy Microsoft Edge in the editor. Update to the latest Chromium-based Edge at microsoft.com/edge
22 favoris
Animations Editor: allow up to 16 collision poly points before warning appears

Corrections de bug

7 favoris
User media: could fail to request access to camera/mic on first run
8 favoris
Text: incorrect TextHeight calculation when changing text size with BBcode
6 favoris
OneDrive cloud save: could fail to list all items in big folders
5 favoris
Confirmation prompts (including "update to latest beta" prompt) did not always accept action with Enter key
5 favoris
Animations editor: crash using the mouse wheel to zoom (Chrome OS)
6 favoris
Animations editor: crash using the reload tool before saving the project
8 favoris
Animations editor: avoid closing the editor when pressing escape while editing an animation's name
5 favoris
Tilemap brush editor: "Remove tile" context menu option was not working properly on 47 tile brushes
6 favoris
Tilemap brushes: auto tile brushes were not saved when duplicating a tilemap object type
5 favoris
Timeline bar: keyframe selection toolbar button was never enabled
6 favoris
Start page 'Fetching project files' scripting example not loading

Amélioration des performances

23 favoris
Optimize bounding box calculations for rotated objects

Mises à jour du SDK

10 favoris
Add mesh distortion SDK APIs

Scripting updates

13 favoris
Add mesh distortion scripting APIs

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  • Wow I was not expecting the mesh distrotion feature. That should allow for some amazing effects!

  • The mesh distortion will make for some fun with physics behaviour :)

  • Awesome feature!, with a lot of posibilities, thanks a lot

  • Please ad Mesh distortion to the Drawing Canvas! love

  • This is great news! However the first thing I tried to do was create a ball and add physics behavior only to find out it doesn't work. It works on platform/solid, but not with physics, distorting the mesh doesn't change the collision polygon.

  • tutorial firebase analytic sir

  • Will the new mesh distortion functionality also open up for more simple distortions as perspective and skew, bend etc?

  • This is interesting. With mesh distortion it should now be possible to make a software-based 3D renderer in Construct 3.

    It would be slow as heck, but it should work...

  • Awesome! Any chances for adding this mesh disortion feature to Tiled Backgrounds? In that case, the distortion would affect the texture.