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Set up scene graph in editor; mesh distortion improvements; start page tags; SDK updates
13 October, 2020 ()
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In this release we're pleased to add support for setting up scene graph hierarchies in the editor! In the Layout View, you can now select multiple objects and a new Hierarchy sub-menu will appear in the context menu, allowing you to attach and detach children. The Layout View can also visualize the hierarchy using arrows. The Properties Bar also shows a new section to let you control which properties are inherited by children, similar to the options in the Add child action.
We've also updated the Start Page to include tags on examples. You can click tags to browse a list of other examples with the same tags. The "Tech demos" category has also been replaced with "More..." which shows a list of all the tags you can browse. The Start Page was starting to get pretty full with so many example projects, so hopefully this makes it a little easier to browse them and find something interesting.
Finally we have some further improvements for the mesh distortion feature, such as compatibility with image points and the Physics behavior. There's also a range of updates to the SDK, which we hope will allow third-party tools to more effectively import data for things like bone animations. Stay tuned for more updates!
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Exécuter r220
Nouvelles fonctionnalités
Scene graph: set up hierarchies in the editor
Nouveaux ajouts
Mesh distortion: now also transforms image points according to mesh
Scene graph: option in 'Add child' to transform with parent's Z elevation
Start page: tags for examples, and browsing by tag
Layout view: rearrange some context menu options to save space
Web export: update list of features requiring HTTPS hosting
Animations editor: saving all animations now creates a single zip with all files (instead of zips-in-zips)
Corrections de bug
Mesh distortion: did not alter Physics collisions
Tiled background: error when 'Pixel rounding' enabled (regression r219.2)
Saving folder projects did not always delete redundant files
Timeline Bar: "E" shortcut was not turning on timeline editing mode
Timelines: projects using timelines did not work properly when previewed from the Start Page
Amélioration des performances
Timelines: improve performance when drawing bezier curves in the Layout View
Mises à jour du SDK
Add editor IProject methods GetObjectTypeByName(), GetFamilyByName(), GetObjectClassByName()
Add IAnimationFrame.Delete(), IAnimation.Delete(), IObjectClass.Delete()
Add IObjectType.GetAllInstances()
Add IWorldInstance.GetLayer(), IWorldInstance.GetLayout()
Add IObjectInstance.GetUID()
Add ILayer.GetLayout(), ILayout.GetAllLayers()
Add runtime WorldInfo methods to alter Z order
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