Lunatrap's Forum Posts

  • Ruskul

    hehe, thats sounds about right, exactly my expirience

  • wow this got big 0:

    i will just add more examples of Unity stupid things

    THE GODAWFUL!! Input manager!! oh sweet mother of bambi, the input system for Unity is a big BIG mess!! and cant be change in runtime, there are some input managers in the assets store, so be prepared to pay 30$ if you want your game to look professional

    The community! i asked for help 3 times, none got a single answer, here in scirra, there will be atleast 1 answer

  • ok, after starting to make the game i was making in C2 in Unity, the idea that Unity is superior to C2 in all aspects got demolished really fast

    now, dont get me wrong, Unity is very powerful, and in general is superior to C2, but there are somethings about Unity that i need to facepalm about, because somethings Unity are overly complicated, at least for 2D, i would say, Unity is still on its infancy, examples?

    1. you cant change the origin of objects.

    2. the scene view makes it really akward to set objects, in C2 the way you can lock objects in a grid make it really easy to set them in place, in Unity not so much

    3. Unity has not way to produce the same effect that TiledBackgrounds offers, the most useful tool in C2 in my opinion, the only way to have tiling sprites in Unity is using Tilemaps, wich i hate

    so yeah, i must say it, C2 is the superior 2D engine, every second im working with Unity im saying in my head "god in C2 making this would be so much faster and better"

    if only, IF ONLY C2 would not have the problems of reliying on 3rd party exporters, had better performance, and was able to make game for Playstation and Xbox, C2 would be the holy grail of engines for 2D.

    the eventsheet system and the editor are almost perfect, with the exception of the porject explorer wich i hate.

    i will keep learning Unity, but i still dont trow away C2 as an option to make my games, until Unity gets better at 2D, C2 it will be the better option for me.

    what are you expiriences or toughts about this?

  • well my game is running on NW.js 10.5 and it runs smooth, but the latest NW.js is a mess, it janks and runs at 50fps, my CPU use goes from 43% on 10.5 to 75% on 12.x, 25+% of CPU usage with the same exact project....

    how do you mess this up so much? why!?

    but even the 10.5 janks often, but for 1 second, every 10 seconds, the game will go down 1 frame from 60fps to 59fps for 1 second, but even if its just 1 frame, it looks awful! the jank is very noticeablea and its very unappealing to the eye

    take a look at this video, it will be the very first time i reveal anything aobut the game im making with my bf, its very little, the character is final, but the tiles are place holders, you will see more soon, we are going to reveal it, my bf is a great animator <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz">

    but i cant let this opportunity to vent my frustration with this stupid jank, i dont know why this happens, but you can see the jank, the game lowers the fps for 1 second to 54 for no reason, the cpu usage stays in 43% and it looks reaaaally bad, and its distracting, even more when you are figthing with the swordman enemy, since you need good reflexes to fight him, and this jank makes it really annoyinjg to get hit becuase of the jank if you player runs the video smoothly, the real jank happens when the character goes up the ramp, i tell you this so you wont confuse video jank for the real one. ... k.wmv?dl=0

    download it and play it with windows player, dont use the dropbox player, it does not run at 60 fps

    and yes, me too have been dissapointed with c2 and nw and the whole, my game is in the hands of third party

    starting to learn Unity, so i think this will be my first and final game made with C2

  • im goin to check it out thanks!


  • Thanks, yes, after some optimization i manage to get the collision down to about half

    got the CPU from 70% to 60% average

    but im still worried about NW.js 12. since for me its really bad, NW.js gets my CPU to 95% for not apparent reason.

    stuck with 10.5

  • tumira

    well, im consfused, my game is 1080p i guess that why it takes so much


    yeah, thats a goodpoint.


    i dont know why is that, but im very worried of getting stuck with 10.5 for the 2 years of the development of my game.

    i hope someday i will be able to update, is not on my part, becuase my debugger screenshots use the exact same project.

    its annoying.

    btw, your jet forest demo, was amazing

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  • Colludium my AI its quite complex, so that what is taking most, im doing some optimizations right now.

    ome6a1717 i get 60 fps smooth with the old nodewebkit (the new one sucks and i think im stuck with it forever) but my pcs is powerful too, but that practice you are doing is very bad, why?? becuase your benchmark is your pc, and that means your game will be intended for pc as powerful as yours only, just becuase in my pc i get 60 fps, that does not mean that all people will have a pc like mine, so i need to understimate my game so it will work in less powerful pc's, you should try your game in less powerful pc's and you will notice that it does not run like you want.

    dont take your pc performance as the only benchmark to see if your game i well optimize.

  • eli0s

    why is everyone saying that NW.js 12 is good? its horrible! take a look, this is with the exact same project!!

  • ome6a1717

    THANKS for your feedback, im glad im not the only one. im on 10.5 too. you can see the results above

  • THIS IS HORRIBLE! god, i guess im stuck on NodeWebkit forever

    newer and more, does not mean better.

  • i for one, am very dissapointed with tthis, we live are in 2015, and only single thread cpu usage?

    Whenver i see the community seying that c2 can make big games i guess they mean big games with ugly graphics and goombas for AI

    my game too has complex AI, and extremely good graphics, but now after learning abou the cpu thing, im very worried. i assumed that the runtime will use full use of the CPU....not so little.

    about the NW.js well im going to try it, but i dount is going to work :/

  • hi! so, i have many questions... if some of you samaritan can help me, i would apreciate it.

    1-what happens if i get my cpu usage to 100% does it start to lag?

    if so, i have a quad core phenom gaming CPU, wich i use to play BF4, you are telling me that javascript intentionally does not take full use of my CPU? why would that be a good thing?

    2- if you see my debbuger screen shot, i have 1700+ objects using 100mb of video, on my pc, (my game is being made for pc only)

    and 17000+ collision checks per second, on a 10000x10000 layout, is that too much? i mean, how much collision cheks is too much, i have done my best to make my game extremely optimized, but i still get lag here and there on my gaming pc, i just dont get it. and yes im using an old version of NW.js becuase the newest version are a mess.

    most of my objects are static, its a platformer, i dont even use physics, or many shaders, but still, im getting dissapointed with C2.

    and about the collision cells, i need some clarification, about the position of the events. how is this supposed to be done? ( see image) and would the cells still be used, if there is more than 1 overlapping condition?

  • i dont get it, can someone please post a image of how you must do this¿

    "Make sure collision conditions are the first condition in the top-level event"

    how it would look like in a event sheet?


    is overlapping

    >>>> >damage = 0


    is overlapping

    damage = 0

    can someone please explain me?

  • I think this is a big deal, we should ask Ashley about this.