Lunatrap's Forum Posts

  • I would help you but i can't open your .capx because it's using third party, I have no time to find them and download them... Would you remove these third party plugin or replace with standard plugins?

    can you tell me wich third party plugin is asking you?? :) thanks!!

    btw i fix it...but now i dont have why this is different than before, now i use a instance variable to control the mirror of the instances and now the instances mirrors individually :) before i was using this

    if eye1 (variable"eye1" = 1) then set eye1 mirrorded


    eye1 set not mirrorded

    if Eye1 is mirror > then Eye2 set to not mirrorded

    if Eye1 is not mirror > then Eye2 set mirrorded

    THIS WAS what i wanted to do, that the instances of eye2 mirror contrary to eye1, but i was not working, becuase eye2 will mirror when it should not, as 1 instance and not as many instances..

    this fix it... i did a varialbe to control teh mirror of eye2 as i did with eye1

    if eye1 (variable"eye1" = 1)> then set eye1 mirrorded


    eye1 set not mirrorded

    every tick > eye2(variable"eye2") is = eye1(variable"eye1")

    if eye2 (variable"eye2" = 1)> then set eye2 set not mirrorded


    eye2 > set mirroded

    now the instances mirror individually, can anyone explain what different at using instance variables?

    capx (still with third party)

  • Bump, no help? :)

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • hi guys, i have a problem with this spirte's instances...

    the thing is, the sprite represents a creature that has 2 eyes 1 in fron and 1 in the back, i want to have 2 Line of sights for this creature, and thats why it has 2 instances overlapping, so the red one its the front eye and the green one is the back eye, and i ordere to the green to mirror contrary to the red, but unlike the red one that mirrors individually that why you see the red and green becoming one orange square, the green one mirrors as one, i have tried different ways...but no luck, any one can help?? =)

    Capx. to try number one at fixing

    Capx. to try number two at fixing

    thanks =) ask me anything if you did not understand something :)

  • Steps to reproduce:

    1. Run my game in debuger using node-webkit.

    2. my game request "fullscreen" using the browser object

    Observed result:

    1.the game crashes if i request "full screen" on the debuger while running on nodewebkit.(see results below to see others explorers)

    Expected result:

    Debug my game, using debuger on "fullscreen" with node-webkit.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: no

    Firefox: ??

    Internet Explorer: no

    Operating system & service pack:


    Construct 2 version:


    "error details"

    Java csript error!!!

    Uncaught type error: Cannot read property "Window" of undefined.


  • =) thanks for your help =) but i have figure out what was wrong, =) i needed t create the text instead of having it already created from the begining, since it wont load the webfont...but if i create it and tehn apply the webfont it works great =) thanks!!

  • i guys i hope you can help me =)

    see, im using webfont for my game, using this method

    buw... i wanted to use it for my UI but for some reason if the text is in the UI layer, that uses parallax of 0,0 it does not load the web font

    but if i just see the text static in a normal layer the webfont loads with no problem...any idea why this happens??

    thanks =) i hope you guys will have an answer =)

  • This is the best plugin ever =) thanks for the effort you put into making this... <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> you are making the life of C2 users much more practical, thanks!!

    i will give you a big space on the credits of my game <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> thanks!

  • =D hi guys!!! this is my first contrubution to the community, since all of your help have been gold for me and for all the C2 users...

    i want to put my little grain of see if this is useful =)

    this is my demo of a vertical grappling hook (bionic commando style)

    =) please check it out and share your thoughts =D if you have and idea on how to make it smoother please share it =D <img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    i hope everyone cna open it, i tried to use no plugin at all =d

    THANKS!! <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />


  • =D wow!! thanks!! yes i know about green light, but i trust we can pass it =D thanks!!

  • Hi guys =) its me again...

    i want to ask you something very important, and you repplies will be very precious for me =)

    since we are about to start making our game (we have the characters and script ready)<img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> but before we start making the game on construct2, i need to have something confirmed...

    i know that NotionGames are publishing SuperUbieLand on Steam...on what format the will publish the game, i mean what exporter they used?? Node-Webkit? or are they running the game from the browse��

    is there any problem beetwen C2 and Steam? i mean..its convenient triying to publish a game made on construct on steam... i know its possilbe since NotionGames are doing it...

    please any tip before me and my friends start making the game with our scope on steam? we dont want to come across a brick wall dead end with the game half or completely made...

    all repplys will be gold =) thanks!!! <img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • If any tool make you uncomfortable, don't use it.

    C2 is a plugin-orientated game engine,

    When you insert object into C2 layout,

    it's a PLUGIN.

    Do you know that?

    Sprite is a plugin, Tiledground is a plugin,

    Browser is a plugin, Text is a plugin.

    In very early version of C2,

    Sprite animation editor sometimes cause crash,

    Tiledground had its power-2 problem,

    Browser functions can't be totally supported in mobile solutions,

    Text slowed down the fps.

    Ashley surveyed all the bug reports,

    make the official plugins better and better, release by release.

    Same as 3rd party plugin makers.

    Sometimes they can't make a perfect plugin for you for free at once,

    but most of them keep working with their tools.

    No plugin maker, include Ashley,

    can promise you any reliability of the plugins.

    Even you are a pure official C2 user,

    you may find the performance of your game can behave different on different browsers or devices.(e.g. WebGL effects, PC vs Mobile, Differnet resolution of PC)

    So it's all about you trust or not, about you feel comfortable or not.

    If you don't like them, just don't use them.

    Or you can find what exactly happened inside your project,

    ensure the real reason of the bugs.

    If it's absolutely caused by any plugin,

    tell the author of this plugin and send your testing capx to him/her,

    I think most plugin makers are gladly to take your report,

    and make the plugin more and more reliable.

    Maybe it's a better way than questioning the reliability of plugins before you clearing the cause of the bug.

    ok thanks =)

  • I used MoveTo about 2 years.

    I published more than 20 games and made money with MoveTo on:






    6.Blackberry Playbook

    Want to know my suggestion?

    "Don't use them, please, have a nice day."

    why you suggest me to dont use them??did you had any probblem? can you explain more please?? =)

    thank you all for your responses =D i really appreciate it =) i will do a lot of testing :)

  • I cannot open Kyatric's project because of the plugin. Would someone please tell me how the issue was resolved? Thank you.

    download the plugin =) and thats it =)

  • Hi GUYS i have a question, should i turst in the stability of the plugins for a game? i mean a game with comercial reason, i would hate that the plugins fail me when my game its already in the hands of my costumers, i might test the game 1000times but what if my pc its different than other pc? im asking this becuase there is a plugin that i use ALL the time its called "MoveTo Behaviour" can you give me your opinio?? would you trsut in a user created plugin?? its stable enough? thanks!!

  • I know what you mean, i dont want any annoying DRM on my game, but i dont want to put my game as free and ask people that if they want they can buy the game, becuase nobody will, i need to put some security but not a the point where you make customers gameplay impossible, i know that DRM will be pass for hackers, but if ppl want to download pirate i cant do anything, but if people want to buy and support us, i want to encourge them to buy it, i dont like that free-to-play thing its too stupid for me, but, thanks for all your answers guys :D