Lunatrap's Forum Posts

  • Ashley

    " I just think that's too big a backward step to take to work around a single bug. "

    well i understand that you should not go back since the fix is in the horizon, but saying this is just a single bug, i dont think is the best decision, this is not a "single bug" its a quite critical bug, this renders all games made for desktop, at least, unplayble.

    but i agree that since the fix is done, now all we neeed to do, is wait and see.

  • Ashley

    thanks the heavens , and yes, thats exactly the symptoms that i expirience, the exact same thing.

    im so relief to read this n.n so it was pretty much the Vsync

    will be waiting for the fix, thanks a lot

    i tested it on windows 8

  • Ashley

    well i tried it on chrome and nw, and in both happens the fps stays in 60 but i looks jerky.

    i tried firefox, but firefox does not give me 60 fps, so i cant test it there, becuase it runs horrible.

    phenom x4 965t black edition

    8gb of ram

    radeon hd 6950 xfx 2gb

    i dont know whats causing it, but the previous version of NW was running fine for me.

  • i have the steam version too, sadly, i updated and my most updated version of my game is saved on r188

    dont update, but if ashley updates to stable, you are done for too. but for now, stay in the last stable.

  • i asked on "bug" section

    see, i have the steam version, and as you know, i cant go back to r187

    wich means im screwed if ashley sticks with the current version of NW

    ashley needs to go back 1 version of NW atleast, right now NW is not useable. sorry.

    thanks a lot

    thanks a lot

  • I would like to request a way for us to go back to the Node-Webkit version that was before r188, becuase as of right now, its just unbearable, the fps stay at 60 but the movement of objects just lags and looks extremely jerky

    for more info look at this thread, where lots of user are expiriencing this as well:

    Before r188 it was still present, but very minor compared to now, right now its just horrible, and in no way presentable for any game made by any respectable developer, is not in serviceable and reliable state, so i request the option to use the previous version of NW since right now r188 does not want to use the previous version of NW i have instaled, but since i have the steam version i cant go back to r187.

    please update the next version of C2 to use the last version of NW and dont update the NW until its in a stable state.


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  • One more "enhancement" about the last NW update.

    Export your game, try to ALT+TAB.

    Back to your game? Tearing everywhere!

    Please don't invite this NW update for the next stable C2 release, Ashley.

    This thing is hostile for now.

    Aurel oh wow!! i thought i was the only one that notice this but i have notice it on the fps, i work on c2 while seeing videon on youtube, when im testing the game and looking for bugs and etc, when the video i was listening ends, i alt+tab to put another one, and when i go back to testing my game, the fps takes a big hit, and is keeps doing this fps: 60-59-58-57-60-60-59-56-60-60-59-59-58-58 and so on, and so on

    and it never goes back to smooth 60, so yeah, dont alt-tab

  • Gillis

    thanks a lot, btw congratulation on getting your game greenlighted

  • Colludium

    XD hahaha

  • Aurel

    I still have the installer for the previous NW version in case you guys need it ... 2.exe?dl=0

  • OWOWOWOWOW!! if you see this thread in the start i said that i did not expirienced any lag.

    BUT wow since r188 it just lags like crazy, the fps stay at 60fps but it looks like it was running at 45.

    before r188 i did not expirience any lag. but now wow!!!

    where do it get last node webkit installer, the new version lags really bad

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  • Hi guys, so now that Node-webkit supports both 32 and 64 bits operating systems, i need to make a super noob question.

    what does this brings to the table, whats the advantages and whats the difference beetween the 32 and 64 bits exports of node-webkit?

    sorry for the noob question, and thanks in davance.

  • C-7


  • C-7

    what i mean is this.

    right now, in my game, if the user does not have the font installed in their pc, the font wont show up in the game, but if the user install the font in his/her computer the font will show in the game text, what im asking is that if there is a way to use C2 to download and install a font in the user's pc instead of the user manually downloading the font file and installing it, or is it better to include the font in the game installer.

    why i dont use webfonts? becuase if im not mistaken you need to create event to set the font to every text file.

    as you know you can set the font style on c2 in the text object properties, and if the user has the font installed it will show up, so i dont need to set the fonts with events.

    sorry if its hard to understand, all i want is to install a font in the user's pc so the font i already set it in the text properties will show up.