Lunatrap's Forum Posts

  • i agree, going trough all the layouts adding the layers is very painful

    remembering all the properties effects and all that >.>

    please, i want to copy paste layers.

  • Ashley

    as of right now, i definitely have not seen any problem, im very glad to its fixed

  • The hud will scale, put your game on letter box scaling, and use the anchor behaviour to your HUD objects, and they will stay on the corner or side that you archor it

  • JJEvil

  • Mikerbice

    you are welcome

  • Mikerbice


    this is how you do it manually wihtout plugins, i must admit that i struggle with it for half hour XDD

    becuase i use some plugins to do it more easy, in case you want to use them, here <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    (rex rotate to behaviour)

    there is more ways, this is a very basic one.

  • TiAm

    aaahhh... it feels smooth like hot knife going trough butter DD feels damn good after so long of seeing the newest NW

  • i would like to see this too

  • RandomPerson

    can you please tell us more clear what do you want to achieved?

    take a look a this, it possible that it gives you some insight

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  • Colludium

    "Edit - actually Chrome Canary is worse than the old NW. By a country mile...."

    thats frightening :/

  • michael

    i totally agree


    i have the steam version too, and i cant go back versions, and i dont have the money to pay the 120$ for the stand alone version, like i said, my game development is halted for this :/


    yes, can you imagine selling a game that runs like this? yesterday i have one of my firends visit me, since he is one of my friends who wants to help me to alpha test the game, and it was embarrasing, the game looking like a slideshow, i felt very embarrased becuase it felt like i was doing a crap job, even after i explained to him that its a bug :/

    i know that workaround, but i dont know if that could create problems, but i have it in mind of course, this problem should be TOP PRIORITY.

  • sadly, no, im very worried with the words that ashley use, this is NOT a simple or unimportant issue, this makes my game unplayable on windows (wich makes up most of all my future users) my game is on halt for this, i cant continue to work, i need to keep my game backwards compatible with the nw and c2 versions that work fine.


    i agree, it reminds me of DICE with Battle Field 4, the games its very powerful and all those buzzwords they use, but the games runs like a rusty tank, stability > power i think we should stay stable and not update the NW until Chromium fixes this.

  • mutuware

    could you please add set angle expression and a way to change the clockwise and counter-clockwise direction for the movement?

  • Ashley i cant corfirm it, i use only Windows

  • Ashley

    tried it on chrome v39 and it seems a little better, but is still there, almost full force, but i dont know since i dont use chrome, so im not used to the chrome performance, i will need to see on NW