Lunatrap's Forum Posts

  • Very cool!! please keep it updated hazneliel

  • TiAm

    it does runs better, but it still oscillates beetween 60-55 fps

    :/ so baaaaad

  • Im sorry, but this is horrible!! even worse!! now my game does not even goes above 50fps! wow!! just wow! i imagine the day that ashley will force me to update, and then, it will ruin my game. this just works horrible!

  • well, i hope it does, otherwise, i wont change to C3

    its true, that it might be better to just release my game on c2, but my game will take 2 years more to complete, so, i have to be up to date becuase if im able to realease the game whit a more powerful c3 instead of c2 wihtout any problems, then it would be great.

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  • Ok, right now im working on a very big game, and i must say with all humbleness that its going to be the biggest and best game made for PC with C2 until now, but my game uses atleast 7 3rd party plugins like linkman2004 magicam, some of the wonderful rexrainbow & Pode plugins and of course R0J0hound canvas.

    my game runs using them, and now that C3 has been announced, im super happy and excited that it will support C2 files, being backwards compatible...wich is great, but what about 2rd party plugins & behaviours? im sure that lucid's spriter will be supported, but the others?

    if C3 will support them, then i will be happy to continue with my game on C3 otherwise, i guess im stuck on C2

    Ashley i need to know

  • well, i recomend you to do the same as symphony of the night, as you can see, the save room, the room where you save, its in another alyout, so when a person saves there, and the game is updated, the save game, will have to remember the less info possible, other than your player info. you can change layout completely and the saave will still work.

    i think this would work you can try

  • so i got the layout size down to 2000x1500 and it works fine....are you kidding me? is this engine intended for games? how is this possible? :/ im sorry but 3000x2500 should not be a problem

    Update: I give up, i tried cancelling manually, so it wont take 10 seconds! to fail and go back to normal, but there is not way for me to cancel the pathcalculation, so i can stop and disable the pathfinding behaviour, and enabled it again, but i wil still try to to go the same point, becuase i cant cancel the path calculation, this behaviour should have an option to cancel the pathcalculation!!!

    please help! here is the .capx

  • Hi!! see, i have some units that use pathfinding to find their way to a selected point, and the obstacle map its updated every turn for the AI and the Player (like a rpg) so sometimes a path can become closed, so i added that when the unit cant find a path, is will do something, but the action takes about 10 seconds to trigger, why? the pathfinding it self its almost instantyl triggered! but the "on failed to find path" takes 10-15 seconds to tigger, is this normal? the layout size its 3000x2500 so its not so big

  • Ashley

    its on medium :/ my memory its incresing without reason

  • shinkan


    thanks, i will see what i can do

  • shinkan

    there are some sheets that are poorly arranged, but isn't supposed to be that C2 when export will compress the sprite sheet better? it looks like its doing it wrong :/

  • its possible it will, as far as i know, your users will be able to use their saved data, but, if the change is too big, the loading could cause a crash, so yes its possible to load after an update but its pretty easy to get a crash, i recommen to make the save room of your game in a little layout with things that you know will not change in any update of your game.

  • Hi! im very worried about something :/

    my memory on excport increases greatly after export on node-webkit, i recently added a enemy to my game, the enemy takes less memory on preview than on export, i HAVE NO IDEA why is this happening, im very afraid about this even more after knowing that the memory should go down on export! but not for me

    memory without the enemy added:

    on preview: 96.83

    on export: 122.48

    now thats 25mb out of nothing! but i was thinking, hey its just 25MB, maybe its becuase of the music or some shaders, but now after adding the sprite of the new enemy

    on preview : 102.74

    on export: 130.55

    SO! that means that my enemy on export takes 8.07 MB but on preview it takes 5.91MB! so this means that for every object i add to the game, node webkit is adding some random amount of MB. for no apperent reason! even when the memory usage its supposed to go down! and i do have the down scaling to medium quality, so i dont know what happening any idea??

  • Hi! please take a look at the capx, this is a project im working on, i want the enemies to collide so when one enemy collides with another it will move away instead of overlap, is there anyway to do that¿ i tried making that when they are overlapping, one gets a speed boobst and the other slows down, so they will never be in the same place, but i would like that they follow the player at the same speed, but moving away from each other

    im aware of the boids flocking behaviour, but that plugin its really basic and lacks too much to be reliable enouhg to use in a game.

    any idea¿


  • imothep85

    does this works? it just a way to make motion blur, you can apply it to the motion of the mouse, and for multiple direction, use add the vertical blur