Lunatrap's Forum Posts

  • Ok i made a work around, insted of moving in by the angle beetween the player and the enemy, im gogin to set the animation to the angle of motion, to see if it works, be back

  • ggibson1

    could you explain a little better? or maybe show me with the .capx? it would be apreciated

    i need help with this, the angle on wich the enemies turn towards me, varies constantly when going diagonally, so it goes like (North, North East, North, North East, North, North East, North, North East) and that why it starts spazzing out

  • Refeuh

    thanks n.n you gave me some ideas, but not what im looking for, you would need to open the .capx

  • rexrainbow

    hehehe well, you are a god to me, i love all your plugins, i swear im going to name a NPC on one of my games as you

    maybe you could share something that you cant do? i would be surprised of hearing about one

  • Hi guys!! i want to see if you could give me a hand with this one, see i ahev these enemies follow my player, but if you stay diagonal to them and let them get near you, the angle will change constantly and the will start spazzing out

    i have a variable to determine the angle beetween the player and the enemy and with that i determine the way they should be looking (wich animation) i really dont know how to make the enemies go diagonal and dont change animation so weirdly

    i hope you guys can help me

  • HI! im glad to see that you guys have a lot to say n.n

    fisrt of all, I LOVE C2 im not putting my faults on c2 , in fact im very good at fixing bugs and problem solving, but sometimes i see things made by programmers, and it puts everything i have done into shame, for example how would you make the AI of Age of Empires 2 on C2? game like Transistor wich has some extremely complicated mechanics? its a pain in the **** make an isometric game in C2, let alone all the mechanics of Transistor.

    The biggest thorn in my foot, its complicated math, i dont know how you guys would use sin() , cubic(a, b, c, d, x), qarp(a, b, c, x) etc

    i still have problem with lerp and clamp

    im doing my best, but im afraid that when my game come out, people will make fun of me for making the game on Cosntruct 2.

    many people see engines like Contruct2 and Game Maker as baby toys, i dont like it :/

    if i could find a programmer to take my place, i would do it, i think im putting in danger all the work of my boyfriend, the pression sometimes crushes me

  • Now, the tittle sounds bad, in reality, i LOVE contruct 2, so, what do i mean when i say that i hate using C2?

    well, c2 is the greates software ever, this software gives me the opportunity of making a great game, but there is something that i cant get out of my head.

    Have you guys who dont know how to program ever felt like noobs? i kinda know programing, but its on a very useless language, Visual Basic i was quite adept at it, and im starting to learn C++ right now, but for now im using C2, and everytime i come across a bug, problem, limitation, i feel like a noob, many times i say to myself something like this for example:

    "-God, this sucks, i dont know how to make this sprite move like i want it to do, i bet that a real programmer would do this without a problem"


    "-UUUGH! this bug is driving me nuts! i have tried everything i know and no one in the forums could help me, im going to have to remove this feature from my game, since its causing this bug, becuase i can't fix it, im forced to remove it, i know that a programmer would know how to make it perfect without problems for sure"

    do you guys get what i feel? i feel noob and sometimes my self-confidence goes down, why im triying to compete in a professional field against professionals? even when my game looks great, still, what happens if a bug happens thats out of my hands? and im forced to tell my costumers:

    "-Sorry! but i dont know how to fix the problem, i dont know how to program"

    i feel sometimes, like a simple peasant compared to the gods that are the programmers, C2 has nothing to do with this, the engine it self its gold, but i cant help to feel this way, especially when i see people doing extremely complex math, who else gets this feeling too? please share


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  • I agree, we need this!

  • saiyadjin

    i tried that, but where do it disable collision? i tried disabling one option called "collision enabled" but i did not worked :/

    the solid behaviour should have a tag system, so some desired objects will pass them

  • buy the real version, support the developers and dont pirate the software

  • Hi!! see, i make my enemies respawn outside of the layout and i make them enter the layout so i can give them some respawn protection, so i need my enemies (in this instance represented by tanks) to enter the layout but to dont be able to leave it.

    I tried respawing my enemies with the bound to layout bahaviour disabled and then when they enter the layout, enable it, but bound to layout has no otion to enable / disable (wich in my opinio should have).

    And then i tried making the walls of a solid tiled background ( my prefered option ) and respawn the enemies so hey will not make collision with the wall , until they enter the layout, and then they will collide with solids, but i did not find any way to do this.

    any help?? thanks!

  • congratulations! c2 is sure a great tool.

  • TiAm

    oh! wow!

    i dont know why did not see that before, i have spent hour in the manuals and tutorials and i naver saw that! thansk XDDD

  • ggibson1

    i save the images as .bitmap and it matches the way the size increases in memory, maybe Ashley could confrim it?

  • hi i would like to know if there is a way to predict the size of a PNG image when is loaded to the GPU?

    i mean, this have happened many times, where a graphic we make, is too big and we need to go back and optimize it, but is there any way to predict the size?

    for example

    we made a big smoke effect sprite with 1 animation

    on creation 1.7 mb on memory 15 mb

    and we made a sprite smaller but with 8 animations

    on creation 1.62 mb on memory 5 mb

    i heard that one way to optimize is to always try and keep the images to 16x16, 32x32, 64x64 in those kind of intervals so they will fit better in the spritsheet on export.

    any more ways to optimize PNG image size in the GPU¿

    im also curious on the format is mentions here that is supossed to be superior to PNG ... droid.html