hi! so, i have many questions... if some of you samaritan can help me, i would apreciate it.
1-what happens if i get my cpu usage to 100% does it start to lag?
if so, i have a quad core phenom gaming CPU, wich i use to play BF4, you are telling me that javascript intentionally does not take full use of my CPU? why would that be a good thing?
2- if you see my debbuger screen shot, i have 1700+ objects using 100mb of video, on my pc, (my game is being made for pc only)
and 17000+ collision checks per second, on a 10000x10000 layout, is that too much? i mean, how much collision cheks is too much, i have done my best to make my game extremely optimized, but i still get lag here and there on my gaming pc, i just dont get it. and yes im using an old version of NW.js becuase the newest version are a mess.
most of my objects are static, its a platformer, i dont even use physics, or many shaders, but still, im getting dissapointed with C2.
and about the collision cells, i need some clarification, about the position of the events. how is this supposed to be done? ( see image) and would the cells still be used, if there is more than 1 overlapping condition?