View a comprehensive history of all the new Javascript scripting feature updates and changes Construct 3 since the first release.
More bug fixes
Bug fixes; pen updates; more JavaScript features
Mesh editor; new examples; bug fixes
Updated minifier; scripting improvements; other changes and fixes
JavaScript Modules for scripting; scene graph improvements; preview improvements & more
Mesh distortion, in-app reviews, voice recorder example & more
Rotatable Drawing Canvas, further scene graph improvements & more
Timeline improvements, copy/paste event sheets & more
New template; form control improvements; bug fixes
New beta cycle: wake lock, new tiled background wrap modes, and lots more!
Updates for tweens, timelines and date plugin; lots of bug fixes
New Date plugin, Android adaptive icons, and more
Share project with admin; new settings; scripting additions
Cloud save updates; timeline & tween bug fixes
New beta cycle: nested timelines & lots more!