Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
26 January, 2021 ()
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Don't miss out on the latest and greatest new features in Construct 3
We have one more beta release for you this week, which is hopefully the last one before a stable release next week, unless there are any serious unforeseen problems. We've continued to focus on reliability and fixing some further issues. There are also three more new examples to try out! As ever if you run in to any problems, please file an issue following all the guidelines. (Please note issues only mentioned in comments or on the forum won't be investigated - we need more information to be able to help.)
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Exécuter r233
Nouveaux ajouts
New examples 'Jetpack', 'Orbiting platforms', 'Raycast teleport'
Corrections de bug
Minified exports that failed did not report an error
Work around Safari bug that could prevent video playback working in Remote Preview
Speculative fix for viewport sizing issue on iOS
Animations editor: image points changing position after resize (regression r216)
Scripting updates
Fix unminified Android exports failing to import modules
Partager Construct 3 la parution r233 maintenant