More bug fixes.
Hey, everyone! We are so glad you're all enjoying the new templates, it really means a lot to us at Viridino Studios. If any of you have suggestions for future templates, feel to drop them below, we will be happy to take them in consideration for future content. Thanks! 😊✨
I'd like to see a canvas drawing template/ paint application with some wacom pressure sensitivity going on....and maybe some other more app'y stuff.. Scroll lists, front end templates, data. I know it sounds a bit boring, but you did ask :)
Multiplayer chat room
hey u wanna play the chat
Could you make an example template to simulate a realistic car engine?
As I know, "Unity 3d" has a ready-made plugin that can be built in with ease to simulate a car engine.
Could you do something similar to simulate the sound of a car in a more detailed and realistic way, like in racing?