Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
Bug fixes; pen updates; more JavaScript features
05 January, 2021 ()
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Don't miss out on the latest and greatest new features in Construct 3
After a break, we're back to our usual release cycle. We'll likely be focusing on maintenance and stability up until the next stable release now, and accordingly this release is mostly bug fixes. However there are a couple of new things: we've added four new examples to check out, such as 4-direction bomber - search the start page to find them. We're continuing to work on how mouse, touch and pen input operate in the editor, and there are some improvements when using pen input, especially in the Animations Editor. Finally we've also updated the editor to support the latest JavaScript syntax features, such as optional chaining (?.) - but remember to check browser support when using new features. Happy new year and stay tuned for more updates!
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Exécuter r230
Nouveaux ajouts
New examples '4-direction bomber', 'Invert gravity platformer', 'Ladder climbing', 'Level selection'
Animations editor: support pen pointing devices
Animations editor: shortcut to zoom in and out using a pen device (press Z + drag)
Tilemap bar: allow for single finger scrolling when the scroll tool is explicitly selected
Corrections de bug
Properties bar (mobile): update the properties bar after undoing
Properties bar (mobile): modifying numeric inputs by dragging not working
Animations editor (mobile): activating move tool locked up the rest of the UI
Animations editor (mobile): improve consistency of 2 finger gesture to zoom/pan while a tool is active
Properties bar: property groups could show incomplete list when using a pen device
Layout view: allow selecting and moving instance in one motion when using pen device
'Wait' in function block did not handle local variables correctly
SVG plugin: possible crash rapidly changing SVG file
Audio: changing tremolo effect mix didn't work
Recent projects: did not list separate entries for copies of local project files
Physics: possible crash loading savegame with joints connected in chain
Network requests in preview could fail after a timeout (regression in r226)
Layers bar: could not click lock icon (regression in r229)
Event sheet view: could not resize columns (regression in r229)
Work around bug in Safari 14 causing issues in editor
Scripting updates
Support for latest JavaScript features: optional chaining (?.); logical assignment operators; numeric separators
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