Voir un historique complet de toutes les nouvelles fonctionnalités dans Construct 3 depuis la première parution.
Orthographic projection; 3D camera updates; new 3D examples & more
New 3D camera plugin!
New beta cycle: set 3D vanishing point; tilemap & animations editor improvements; worker mode on Android & more
3D mesh distortion and more new 3D shape features!
New 3D shape plugin!
New macOS export option; other desktop export improvements & more
New lightweight Windows export option; new examples; bug fixes
Mesh editor; new examples; bug fixes
JavaScript Modules for scripting; scene graph improvements; preview improvements & more
Stable release: mesh distortion; scene graph editor; local file/folder saves & more
Set up scene graph in editor; mesh distortion improvements; start page tags; SDK updates
Mesh distortion, in-app reviews, voice recorder example & more
First parts of scene graph, more Project Bar copy/paste, new examples & more
New Date plugin, Android adaptive icons, and more
Share project with admin; new settings; scripting additions