Voir un historique complet de toutes les corrections de bug dans Construct 3 depuis la première parution.
Animations editor: image point changes not being stored properly after cropping, resizing or rotating
Animations editor: allow renaming animations by case only
Animations editor: crash when changing the order of image points
Animations editor: possible crash when selecting color inputs
Animations editor: possible crash using Eraser tool
Expressions dictionary: wrong expression added when picking a behavior expression or a type which is part of a family
Possible crash while using the Tilemap Bar
Backup and caching settings not taking effect unless Settings dialog is opened
Cloud save: Onedrive not logging in correctly
Safari: video and music did not play in Remote Preview
Safari: balloon tips did not display correctly
iOS: previewing project could display zoomed in
Cordova iOS: video might not play in iOS 11
If 'Preload sounds' was enabled, all music was accidentally preloaded as well
Audio: possible degradation of audio quality if unloading many music tracks
Audio: possible JavaScript error playing and then unloading audio in quick succession
Animations editor: handling of the secondary button to draw using the secondary color
Crash if backup location is set to 'Match' when no project is active
Array/Dictionary editor: tab name did not update when file name is changed
iOS: tap-and-hold was not showing context menus
iOS: crash closing Settings dialog
iOS: did not use momentum scrolling
macOS: using trackpad zoom would zoom the whole UI
Remote Preview: error running project using WebM Opus audio on Safari 11
Safari: mouse cursors did not change
Sprite icons in the editor did not respect their initial animation & frame
Kiwi Story did not load in Safari
Improved pluralisation support, e.g. displaying "1 result" rather than "1 results" (note this will only take effect in Chrome 63+)
Crash when loading a project bar image in the image editor
Set a layer as overriden as soon as it is created, if there is a corresponding global layer
No longer required to enable pop ups to log into cloud save accounts
Editing a value in the array/dictionary editor on high-DPI device would cause the cell to draw in the wrong place
iOS: crash logging in to account
iOS: adding C3 to home screen did not actually run it as a web app
Crash setting layout width or height to 1 or less
Parameters dialog: could not re-select empty parameter
Parameters dialog: pressing 'Done' with empty parameter showed balloon tip at wrong location
Remote preview did not load if the project used MP3 audio
Crash after closing the image editor and undoing and redoing changes
Crash when using non integer values for the grid width and height in the image editor
Guess collision polygon when importing an image into the image editor
Project origin not updating correctly when saving to different cloud services
"Periodically back up projects" was causing the project origin to change to the backup
Recent project would show a mixture of project names and project filenames
Improved handling of back button on mobile
Issues with autocomplete in r57
Bookmarks bar not displaying the bookmarks of events sheets in sub folders
Crash using Tilemap Bar in r56
Tilemap Bar: unable to use Layout View tools after using the pencil tool followed by the rectangle tool of the tilemap bar
Tilemaps did not always render identically between editor and runtime if the tilemap image was an inexact size
SpriteFont: did not always wrap text correctly
Crash when pressing ENTER while the dialog prompting to resize the image is open in the image editor.
Firefox: not rendering balloon tips properly
Firefox: could not interact with dialogs appearing over Array/Dictionary editor
Crash logging out of cloud save service in French language
NW.js: 'On cancel' triggers did not work in minified exports
Dictionary editor did not display in Firefox
Crash after closing the image editor when editing individual tiles of a tilemap
Possible crash while selecting instances in a layout view
Image point changes not kept after resizing an image in the image editor
Crash when resizing an image to 1x1
Mistake when saving a color to a swatch in the image editor
Tilemap offset and spacing not taken into account when editing individual tiles in the image editor
No undo point from using auto deduplicate in the Dictionary editor
Unable to edit numerical values in the Array / Dictionary editor if the file isn't freshly created
Dictionary editor wouldn't always highlight duplicates when using undo / redo
Instance variable descriptions were not loaded from projects
Dates and times did not always display according to the current language setting
Runtime compatibility with old browsers
Crash when using cut, copy and paste keyboard shortcuts while the tilemap bar is active
Caret wasn't very visible on the text editor when using the dark theme
Editing a text file doesn't enable save until the file is closed
Unable to undo while editing a value in the data editor or writing in text editor
Layout View: could not undo moving instances via arrow keys
Possible project corruption after deleting an instance variable used in Multiplayer's 'Sync instance variable' action
Crash using 'Set layer background color' system action
Platform: fixed 'Is by wall' detection to not be true when hitting ceiling only
Debugger: 'Pause' button became disabled after pressing 'Restart'
Minified exports were not working since r50
Loading project files using uppercase characters did not always work
Drag and drop feedback of the Tilemap Bar
Layout view could have display glitches after resizing the window
Ensure Cordova apps suspend when pressing device power button
Fixed a few cases where editor strings were not translated
Crash when pressing "shift" to activate the selection tool when editing tilemaps
Draw tilemap instances as soon as a project is loaded
Support negative speeds in the preview dialog of the animations editor
Unable to select a single tile from a tilemap instance using the select tool
Dragging of a tilemap instance while trying to edit it
Mobile: sometimes the address bar would overlap the top of the UI
Mobile: double-tapping conditions/actions could sometimes immediately go back
Mobile: pasting instances in the Layout View now positions them correctly
Possible appearance of seams between tiles in tilemaps in editor
Ensure custom themes apply correctly in popup windows
Correctly update focus when tabbing between panes
Possible crash creating another object before clicking with crosshair
Event sheet view: up/down arrows could sometimes select deleted items
Debugger now wraps long variable names
8 direction behavior did not apply maximum speed correctly on diagonals
'Pick overlapping point' now correctly handles tilemaps
Negative animation speeds are now allowed in the editor
Video could fail to load on platforms with case-sensitive filenames
Projects did not correctly suspend and resume when the browser tab/app was hidden
Origin/image point changes not being applied after cropping or resizing in the image editor
Fixed handling of tile spacing when rendering Tilemap instances
Crash upon using the edit button in the toolbar of the image points panel of the image editor
Sizing of columns of the expressions dictionary
Possible crash when undoing changes in the image editor
Runtime crash when not preloading sounds
Crash adding or deleting non-layout objects (e.g. Array, Dictionary)
Crash loading some projects
Some tilemaps did not render correctly in r50
Possible crash editing conditions or actions with combo parameters
When C3 adds a new system expression, it now renames any objects using that name when loading a project
Crash reports were not selectable in r50
C3 accidentally allowed system expressions using the syntax System.ProjectVersion instead of just ProjectVersion. The System.ProjectVersion syntax is now invalid.
Expressions Dictionary Crash when opening it and closing rapidly
Some areas of an image are sometimes not drawable in the image editor
Image editor mobile UI becomes unresponsive after closing the dialog using the back button
Support fractional values for image point positions in the image editor
Undo after editing the graphics of a single tile and closing the image editor
Show subset in Z-Order Bar when opening it from a context menu in the layout view
Bookmarks before the first numbered event show up as "Close to event -1" in the Bookmarks Bar
Release temporary image created to edit a single tile of a Tilemap source image
Duplicating a layout did not keep the same event sheet setting
Edit family dialog could allow mixing plugin types in families, which would crash
ShadowLight: shadow color property did not take effect
Event Sheet View: 'Reset column sizes' did not always use defaults
Possible crash undoing pasting an object with behaviors
Image points and collision polygons misplaced after undoing crop and resize commands in the image editor
Crash when attempting to close a project after copying and pasting with the context menu
Rectangle select tool pasting content after using the keyboard shortcut to delete
Crash when changing export format of images in the image editor