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Subfolders for Cloud Save, lots of bug fixes
17 October, 2017 ()
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This build adds support for subfolders in Cloud Save, as well as in browser storage. It should be a big help for organising your files!
As usual we've made a number of bug fixes for this build, including several to improve support for the Windows 10/UWP exporter. If you previously had problems with the certification tool (WACK), it should be a lot better now. Additionally there was a bug where we'd accidentally enable UI animations in Firefox, which is not currently supported due to a Firefox bug; this could cause the editor UI to look very glitchy. It should be better now, but if you still see UI glitches in Firefox, try clearing your cache and reloading the editor.
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Exécuter r64
Nouveaux ajouts
Can now use subfolders in cloud save/browser storage
Better dialog when reaching a free edition limit
Win10 export: now includes all images at scale 200
Settings dialog: grouped some settings under a new 'Backup' header
Corrections de bug
Possible JavaScript error starting up Construct 3 with third-party addons installed
Autosave duration stuck at 1 minute
Win10 export: correctly applies UTF-8 BOM to exported files to satisfy certification (WACK)
Win10 export: script and HTML for pubCenter plugin was not exported
Firefox: was accidentally enabling UI animations by default, which is not currently supported in Firefox due to a Firefox bug
Event sheet view: searching for text sometimes didn't return matches in expressions
Possible crash trying to rename grouped project files
Animations editor: can now use fractional values in animation speeds
Deleting a layout could cause Array/Dictionary instances to also be deleted, causing them to stop working
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