Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
Even more bug fixes, and bracket highlighting in parameters
19 September, 2017 ()
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We have even more bug fixes for you! The biggest fix is probably that the Tilemap bar wasn't working in r56 (oops), but we have this corrected now. Remember we're still in beta and if you run in to any issues, you can easily roll back with the Releases page. Along the way we made a few more changes and fixes. The Parameters dialog can now highlight matching pairs of brackets like Construct 2 did, which helps you type and understand expressions. There's a couple of extra fixes for Firefox users. We've also switched the WebM Opus encoder used to import audio to a WebAssembly version, which should be faster and help reduce the download size of Construct 3 since it uses a binary format.
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Exécuter r57
Nouveaux ajouts
Parameters dialog: bracket pairs are now highlighted
Corrections de bug
Crash using Tilemap Bar in r56
Tilemap Bar: unable to use Layout View tools after using the pencil tool followed by the rectangle tool of the tilemap bar
Tilemaps did not always render identically between editor and runtime if the tilemap image was an inexact size
SpriteFont: did not always wrap text correctly
Crash when pressing ENTER while the dialog prompting to resize the image is open in the image editor.
Firefox: not rendering balloon tips properly
Firefox: could not interact with dialogs appearing over Array/Dictionary editor
Amélioration des performances
WebM Opus encoder now uses WebAssembly, which is faster and a smaller download
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