Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
18 September, 2017 ()
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This build is mainly a maintenance release with a big batch of bug fixes. We're also working to ensure translations work as well as they can. If you're interested in getting involved, we're currently working on a Spanish and Portuguese (Brazilian) translation of Construct 3 - find our more in this forum post.
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Nouveaux ajouts
Xbox Live: new 'Social group' parameter to 'Get leaderboard' (Global, Favorites or People)
Most of the debugger is now translatable
Default description and type annotation for global, local and instance variables in the Expressions Dictionary
Corrections de bug
Crash logging out of cloud save service in French language
NW.js: 'On cancel' triggers did not work in minified exports
Dictionary editor did not display in Firefox
Crash after closing the image editor when editing individual tiles of a tilemap
Possible crash while selecting instances in a layout view
Image point changes not kept after resizing an image in the image editor
Crash when resizing an image to 1x1
Mistake when saving a color to a swatch in the image editor
Tilemap offset and spacing not taken into account when editing individual tiles in the image editor
No undo point from using auto deduplicate in the Dictionary editor
Unable to edit numerical values in the Array / Dictionary editor if the file isn't freshly created
Dictionary editor wouldn't always highlight duplicates when using undo / redo
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