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Some extra bug fixes, and support for Edge
13 October, 2017 ()
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Update: there was a server-side caching issue in r62.2. We've done another update to resolve that.
There was an issue introduced in r62 that could cause projects with bundled addons to fail to open. We believe this is patched in this release so hopefully that particular problem will be resolved. r62 was only out yesterday, so in case you missed it check its release notes here.
In addition to that, we've also fixed some last bugs and are pleased to announce that Construct 3 now supports Edge 16+! Note this is not released yet, but comes out on Tuesday with the Windows 10 Fall Creator's Update. So if you want to try it, update your system next week and you should get Edge 16 which will work with Construct 3. If you're on the Windows Insider programme, you should be able to try it right away!
Finally there's another fix for cursors not changing in Safari. We tried to fix this previously but we didn't completely resolve the issue. Hopefully it's working for real this time!
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Exécuter r63
Nouvelles fonctionnalités
Support for Edge 16 (in the Windows 10 Fall Creator's Update)
Corrections de bug
Projects with bundled addons could fail to load (issue introduced in r62)
Mouse cursors did not change in Safari
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