Voir un historique complet de toutes les corrections de bug dans Construct 3 depuis la première parution.

2 favoris
Audio: update to work in cross-origin iframes in Chrome for Android
2 favoris
Event sheet: creating a new local variable did not apply 'Static' unless edited
5 favoris
Parameters dialog: ensure long expressions wrap
1 favoris
Crash when dragging and dropping from a 3rd party application into Chrome
3 favoris
Animations editor: ignore input events when sub dialogs are open
1 favoris
Crash when attempting to load a file with no extension in the Import Audio dialog
1 favoris
Firefox: unable to open projects from OneDrive
1 favoris
Upgrading from a significantly older version of C3 would display files as folders in local storage
1 favoris
Cloud save: deleting a project would always claim that it failed, and fail to update the file list
1 favoris
Cloud save: unable to create a project at root on OneDrive
6 favoris
Projects with web fonts could not preview (regression in r66.2)
2 favoris
Effects dialog did not list effects (regression in r66)
3 favoris
Possible crash deleting instances after deleting a behavior
3 favoris
Show error message instead of crashing when trying to import an unsupported image format
4 favoris
Properties Bar: no longer scrolls to top when doing undo/redo
7 favoris
Cloning an object type from the Project Bar now copies default settings when creating a new instance
3 favoris
Possible crash undoing after reordering instance variable/behavior/effect
4 favoris
Incorrect positioning of image points and collision polygons after cropping or resizing
3 favoris
Crash when closing the image editor while a selection is active
4 favoris
Crash when renaming/deleting/moving image points right after they are created
1 favoris
Opacity not applied to tilemaps in the editor
2 favoris
Difference between editor and runtime tile rendering
5 favoris
In some cases preview mode did not work (regression in r65)
3 favoris
Crash on startup when using Ublock Origin due to it blocking the new Mobile Advert plugin
4 favoris
8 direction: 'Is moving' could sometimes be true when against a wall
4 favoris
8 direction: did not always stop exactly against wall when running in to it
1 favoris
NW.js: setting window title didn't work
4 favoris
Animations editor: possible crash using image points toolbar
4 favoris
Animations Editor: undo resize/crop commands not reverting image points and collision polygon changes when applied to an entire animation
1 favoris
SpriteFont: could not undo editing text via double-click dialog
7 favoris
Event Sheet View: could sometimes shrink column sizes to minimum when saving project
1 favoris
Edge: crash when using Overlay shader
1 favoris
Edge: cloud logins did not work
2 favoris
Pathfinding behavior did not work after exporting (regression since r62)
2 favoris
Crash when cancelling a file rename in the file dialog
1 favoris
Dropbox could display "ghost" folders when created via the Dropbox website, contents would appear at root instead of in the folder
3 favoris
Possible crash when cancelling project load from cloud
3 favoris
Possible crash when downloading (not opening) project from cloud
4 favoris
Possible JavaScript error starting up Construct 3 with third-party addons installed
5 favoris
Autosave duration stuck at 1 minute
2 favoris
Win10 export: correctly applies UTF-8 BOM to exported files to satisfy certification (WACK)
2 favoris
Win10 export: script and HTML for pubCenter plugin was not exported
2 favoris
Firefox: was accidentally enabling UI animations by default, which is not currently supported in Firefox due to a Firefox bug
7 favoris
Event sheet view: searching for text sometimes didn't return matches in expressions
1 favoris
Possible crash trying to rename grouped project files
6 favoris
Animations editor: can now use fractional values in animation speeds
2 favoris
Deleting a layout could cause Array/Dictionary instances to also be deleted, causing them to stop working
5 favoris
Projects with bundled addons could fail to load (issue introduced in r62)
4 favoris
Mouse cursors did not change in Safari
7 favoris
Animations editor: image point changes not being stored properly after cropping, resizing or rotating
5 favoris
Animations editor: allow renaming animations by case only
6 favoris
Animations editor: crash when changing the order of image points
6 favoris
Animations editor: possible crash when selecting color inputs
5 favoris
Animations editor: possible crash using Eraser tool
4 favoris
Expressions dictionary: wrong expression added when picking a behavior expression or a type which is part of a family
4 favoris
Possible crash while using the Tilemap Bar
2 favoris
Backup and caching settings not taking effect unless Settings dialog is opened
3 favoris
Cloud save: Onedrive not logging in correctly
2 favoris
Safari: video and music did not play in Remote Preview
1 favoris
Safari: balloon tips did not display correctly
1 favoris
iOS: previewing project could display zoomed in
1 favoris
Cordova iOS: video might not play in iOS 11
4 favoris
If 'Preload sounds' was enabled, all music was accidentally preloaded as well
2 favoris
Audio: possible degradation of audio quality if unloading many music tracks
2 favoris
Audio: possible JavaScript error playing and then unloading audio in quick succession
2 favoris
Animations editor: handling of the secondary button to draw using the secondary color
1 favoris
Crash if backup location is set to 'Match' when no project is active
1 favoris
Array/Dictionary editor: tab name did not update when file name is changed
4 favoris
iOS: tap-and-hold was not showing context menus
4 favoris
iOS: crash closing Settings dialog
4 favoris
iOS: did not use momentum scrolling
4 favoris
macOS: using trackpad zoom would zoom the whole UI
4 favoris
Remote Preview: error running project using WebM Opus audio on Safari 11
3 favoris
Safari: mouse cursors did not change
6 favoris
Sprite icons in the editor did not respect their initial animation & frame
3 favoris
Kiwi Story did not load in Safari
3 favoris
Improved pluralisation support, e.g. displaying "1 result" rather than "1 results" (note this will only take effect in Chrome 63+)
3 favoris
Crash when loading a project bar image in the image editor
3 favoris
Set a layer as overriden as soon as it is created, if there is a corresponding global layer
13 favoris
No longer required to enable pop ups to log into cloud save accounts
3 favoris
Editing a value in the array/dictionary editor on high-DPI device would cause the cell to draw in the wrong place
8 favoris
iOS: crash logging in to account
5 favoris
iOS: adding C3 to home screen did not actually run it as a web app
3 favoris
Crash setting layout width or height to 1 or less
3 favoris
Parameters dialog: could not re-select empty parameter
1 favoris
Parameters dialog: pressing 'Done' with empty parameter showed balloon tip at wrong location
1 favoris
Remote preview did not load if the project used MP3 audio
2 favoris
Crash after closing the image editor and undoing and redoing changes
2 favoris
Crash when using non integer values for the grid width and height in the image editor
5 favoris
Guess collision polygon when importing an image into the image editor
6 favoris
Project origin not updating correctly when saving to different cloud services
5 favoris
"Periodically back up projects" was causing the project origin to change to the backup
2 favoris
Recent project would show a mixture of project names and project filenames
7 favoris
Improved handling of back button on mobile
7 favoris
Issues with autocomplete in r57
3 favoris
Bookmarks bar not displaying the bookmarks of events sheets in sub folders
3 favoris
Crash using Tilemap Bar in r56
2 favoris
Tilemap Bar: unable to use Layout View tools after using the pencil tool followed by the rectangle tool of the tilemap bar
2 favoris
Tilemaps did not always render identically between editor and runtime if the tilemap image was an inexact size
2 favoris
SpriteFont: did not always wrap text correctly
3 favoris
Crash when pressing ENTER while the dialog prompting to resize the image is open in the image editor.
1 favoris
Firefox: not rendering balloon tips properly
1 favoris
Firefox: could not interact with dialogs appearing over Array/Dictionary editor
1 favoris
Crash logging out of cloud save service in French language
2 favoris
NW.js: 'On cancel' triggers did not work in minified exports
1 favoris
Dictionary editor did not display in Firefox
1 favoris
Crash after closing the image editor when editing individual tiles of a tilemap
4 favoris
Possible crash while selecting instances in a layout view
4 favoris
Image point changes not kept after resizing an image in the image editor
3 favoris
Crash when resizing an image to 1x1
1 favoris
Mistake when saving a color to a swatch in the image editor
1 favoris
Tilemap offset and spacing not taken into account when editing individual tiles in the image editor
1 favoris
No undo point from using auto deduplicate in the Dictionary editor
1 favoris
Unable to edit numerical values in the Array / Dictionary editor if the file isn't freshly created
1 favoris
Dictionary editor wouldn't always highlight duplicates when using undo / redo