Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
11 January, 2018 ()
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Don't miss out on the latest and greatest new features in Construct 3
Releases now have a comments section underneath! Take a look at the bottom of this page, where you can now post your thoughts. Wahey! We hope to be rolling this out to more of construct.net in future.
In case you missed it, we've also released a desktop build beta. The main feature of the desktop build of C3 is you can use folder-based project saves, which is ideal for source control. If you don't need that, you can just keep using C3 in the browser.
Other than that, we're working hard to make sure Construct 3 is reliable for you. We've got a batch of bug fixes, and some other tweaks for consistency in the UI. Stay tuned for more updates and hopefully we'll have a stable update in the next couple of weeks.
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Nouveaux ajouts
Bookmarks bar: keyboard shortcut to delete the selected bookmark
Tilemap bar: show the mirror and flip status with the state of the buttons themselves instead of text
Corrections de bug
Possible error importing some kinds of C2 project
Desktop build: fix crash opening external editor in Animations Editor
Possible crash involving displaying notifications
Animations editor: ensure the "repeat to" property of animations never exceeds the total amount of frames
Duplicate UI state properties when duplicating a layout
Mobile Advert plugin: when not in an app environment will no longer produce JS errors
Crash when replacing a project file that is already open in a text editor
Import audio was creating an undo point that would delete a file, even if the file was a replacement
Dragging an audio file onto the project area would import the file but not create an undo point
Sometimes impossible to import MP3 or M4A files
Possible crash when trying to load a corrupted C3 project
Mises à jour du SDK
Fix crash in IWebGLText.SetItalic()
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