Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
09 January, 2018 ()
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We've got another release for you today with some more bug fixes. In particular there were two issues causing crashes in r76, which ought to be fixed now. However there's a set of other fixes for the Animations editor, some UI fixes and other tweaks.
We're aiming to have another stable release of Construct 3 in the next few weeks, at which point we'll also deploy our fix for the website distribution, so editor.construct.net will stop serving beta releases. Once we reach this point we expect disruption due to quirks in beta releases to be minimised. Apologies for any inconveniences for the time being, and please remember you can keep using a specific version on the releases page.
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Exécuter r76.2
Nouveaux ajouts
Animations editor: show the index of the currently selected frame in the properties panel
Corrections de bug
Settings dialog: make sure the backup settings enabled state updates correctly
Animations editor: crash when undoing many changes in quick succession
Animations editor: crash when deleting many collision polygon vertexes using the keyboard shortcut
Animations editor: crash when setting the duration property of a frame in the image editor
Ensure notifications are released after they are not longer showing on screen
Possible crash opening a context menu, pressing delete, then using the menu
Possible crash importing audio (regression in r76)
Possible crash when closing bars or logging out (regression in r76)
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