Voir un historique complet de toutes les corrections de bug dans Construct 3 depuis la première parution.
Crash using event variables introduced in r20
Added undo points for creating and importing project files
Crash in parameters dialog trying to type a behavior expression for an object that doesn't support behaviors
Crash pasting events to a different project when instance variables were missing
Reloading an existing preview window could cause the existing window to close
Adding a new object type via the Project Bar no longer switches to a crosshair cursor if there is not a Layout View visible
Event sheet view: events could be dragged outside of the scope of local variables they referenced. This now shows an error.
Crash when closing a project after duplicating a layout
Possible crash when loading a project
Crash when importing image file by dropping it into the animations panel
Crashes in the Tilemap Bar when the source image is not shown as a result of instance properties being misconfigured.
Layout view: lines could disappear if the browser zoom level was below 100%
Layout view: crash pressing left and middle mouse buttons simultaneously
AJAX plugin: some local file requests could fail in preview mode
Debugger: 'Restart' button did not work when debugger in its own window
Some string comparison expressions could incorrectly return a "Type mismatch" error
Crash when opening the tilemap bar from the View menu
Animations editor tools not working when UI animations are turned off
Newly added sprites did not set their image correctly
Image editor could sometimes unintentionally draw something when opened
Image editor undo not working after clicking on inputs in which it is not possible to type with the keyboard.
Layout view: crash trying to select while middle-mouse scrolling
Construct 3 projects (.c3p) could load with some objects at the wrong position in r17
Cancelling the save dialog after closing an unsaved project no longer closes the project
Layout view: selections could display incorrectly when using layout effects
Layout view: crash middle-clicking while dragging selection box
Event sheet: crash changing an inverted condition to a trigger
Event sheet: deleting an event would sometimes scroll back to the top
Event sheet: crash pasting events referencing event variables not in the sheet
Event sheet: 'Copy as text' now indicates OR block conditions
Event sheet: OR blocks now only show the "OR" prefix on the second condition and after
Possible crash importing font via drag-and-drop
Possible crash logging out while offline
Pathfinding behavior: crash restarting a layout
Editor-only options are no longer undoable. This includes project, layout and layer properties which are shown under the editor group in the properties bar
Crash undoing resize or crop commands in the image editor
Update the state of the save button in the main toolbar if the image editor produced any changes after being closed
Possible crash closing a project after copy/paste or clone of a Sprite
Crash typing in some input fields in r17
Project Bar: crash reordering layouts
Can now select items in tree controls by clicking item icons
Editor should prompt if trying to close the browser while a project is still saving
Event sheet: can now add or edit triggers in an OR block with an existing trigger
Event sheet: column width resizers should now hit test correctly when the font size has been changed
Layout view: crash pressing C with no selection
Layout view: crash middle-clicking when placing something with crosshair
Layout view: using Ctrl+X to cut, and then cancelling the copy prompt, would still delete the selection
Layout view: pressing Escape to cancel a placement did not fully restore normal selection
Webfonts with uppercase characters did not display in preview mode
Possible crash clicking Preview rapidly
Crash entering invalid viewport sizes in 'New project' dialog
Crash adding non-layout objects like Dictionary on mobile in r16
Cannot undo if some controls like checkboxes are focused
Fade behavior: 'destroy' property was not working (this also made the Rain Demo project gradually slow down)
Animations editor: image points and collision polygon changes not being saved after a crop or resize
Animations editor: crash when trying to copy the previous collision polygon into the first frame of an animation
Animations editor: crash with the bucket tool
Animations editor: clamp animation and frame properties if a value that goes over the limits is used
Animations editor: image editor did not have focus on the first click
Bug that allowed to create 2 object types after double clicking the 'Insert' button in the 'Create new object type' dialog
Tilemap bar: crash when using the rotate anti clockwise tool with a patch of tiles
When a new version is ready, Construct 3 should now be able to update when reloading the page, rather than having to close and re-open the tab. This may not take effect until the next update.
Addon manager: cancelling an install prompt still installed the addon
Possible crashes if navigating between dialogs very quickly
Project 'Preview effects' option had no effect
Tree controls now handle shift + select like Windows does
Popup windows didn't work in r15
Switching to a Layout View tab now restores the properties for the selected objects
Layout View: couldn't undo actions in the 'Align' menu
Layout View: crash shift+resizing a 0x0 object
Pasting events in to an empty event sheet could appear in reverse order
Crash double-clicking preview button
Setting effect color parameters did not work
Properties bar: now accepts numbers typed in the format .1
Event sheet: can now undo changing OR block status
Animations Editor crash when closing by pressing the Escape key multiple times
Layout view: crash when pressing Ctrl/Cmd + V while placing a selection
Possible crash choosing a web font
Crash rotating wrapped selection with a non-rotatable object
Event sheet view: can now clone an event to be a sub-event of itself
Incorrect restoration of scroll position of layouts and event sheets
Crashes while attempting to import files
Crash when using the keyboard shortcut to apply a change to a whole animations with either the Mirror, Flip, Rotate or Crop tools.
Crash when resizing an object type with no animations after previously resizing a whole animation of an object type with animations.
All dropped files in the import dialog were ignored.
Image editor crash when double clicking on the close button
Cannot switch to debug while preview is open
Crash, resizing sometimes also tries to move a pane
Crash / project corruption when cloning text object
Instance variables, behavior and effect properties clone with the correct properties
Crash if network is lost while a project template being loaded
Can now open different versions of the same project (previously showed a "this project is already open" error)
Navigating items in dialogs with arrow keys after a search could select filtered items
Ctrl+Mouse wheel during preview would change the UI scale in the editor
Possible crash closing a project while renaming an item
Focus now correctly transfers to the rename label when adding a layout and choosing an option from the dialog
Previewing with a window sometimes stopped working
Multiplayer examples can now preview
Effects could render incorrectly after making the editor window larger then smaller
Platform max fall speed also limited the jump speed
Menu items with sub menus are not triggered anymore after scrolling in touch devices
Crashes in the image editor when trying to edit standalone graphic files
Crash after closing projects with the same fonts twice
Crash opening About dialog in Opera browser
Using drag-and-drop with import files triggers the main editor drag-and-drop
Using Import Files dialog's drag-and-drop crashes
Ctrl-plus and Ctrl-minus now zoom in the Layout View rather than changing browser zoom
Some behaviors could move faster than the maximum speed if they had a very high acceleration
Properties Bar: did not show size properties for Tilemap object
Context menus could sometimes be left behind
Free edition limits did not always update after logging out
Crash using object expression as instance variable name
Possible crash selecting all events
Parameters dialog: autocompleting a string name would insert unwanted characters typing the final "
Crash running project with tilemaps in a family
Anchor behavior: some options were swapped
Animations editor: issue duplicating animations
Animations editor: a number of bug fixes with the UI and drawing tools
Tilemap Editor: crash using the rectangle tool with no tiles selected
Tilemap object: crash showing the collision polygons of each tile
Issue encoding audio with the Import Audio dialog
Recent projects did not work in the main menu
Unable to clone text objects on layout view
Opening a local file should now more reliably show the open dialog