Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
Another big batch of bug fixes and improvements!
31 March, 2017 ()
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We're still working hard to hammer the beta in to shape and fix all the bugs and issues that have been reported. We'd like to thank everyone for your help in testing Construct 3 so far - we think we've made a great deal of progress already! Please do keep testing away and let us know of any more problems that come up.
There are still some known issues we're aware of, which we hope to address as soon as we can. We've had around 150 bug reports already since Tuesday and we're making lots of progress, but it will take a little longer to get through all of them! Stay tuned for more updates next week.
Please remember that you must close and reopen the browser tab to update C3 to a new version when you see the notification. We're still looking in to that!
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Exécuter r14
Nouveaux ajouts
Layout view: double-clicking the zoom status now resets it to 100%
Event sheet includes can now be double-clicked to open the sheet
"Copy" button to Platform Information dialog
Layout View: Alt + Mouse Wheel now changes the active layer
Properites Bar: can now use comma as an alternate separator for size properties, which previously required an "x" separator
Close and back buttons in captions are now white so they are easier to see
Improved display quality of icons on systems with non-integral device pixel ratios
Mobile defaults to previewing in a new browser tab again, which should now work more than once
Particles: appearance in Layout View now scales particle image down if it is larger than the particles box
Corrections de bug
Can now open different versions of the same project (previously showed a "this project is already open" error)
Navigating items in dialogs with arrow keys after a search could select filtered items
Ctrl+Mouse wheel during preview would change the UI scale in the editor
Possible crash closing a project while renaming an item
Focus now correctly transfers to the rename label when adding a layout and choosing an option from the dialog
Previewing with a window sometimes stopped working
Multiplayer examples can now preview
Effects could render incorrectly after making the editor window larger then smaller
Platform max fall speed also limited the jump speed
Menu items with sub menus are not triggered anymore after scrolling in touch devices
Crashes in the image editor when trying to edit standalone graphic files
Crash after closing projects with the same fonts twice
Crash opening About dialog in Opera browser
Using drag-and-drop with import files triggers the main editor drag-and-drop
Using Import Files dialog's drag-and-drop crashes
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