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Another patch to fix some bugs
07 November, 2017 ()
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We've got another patch release for you, to fix some bugs that some users may have been running in to. The effects dialog was accidentally broken in r66 and should be working again. Additionally there was a crash with the message "object instance does not have associated behavior instance" that we could see a number of people running in to; we think this should be fixed now. Finally another crash that kept coming up was if you imported an image in an unsupported format, which should be handled correctly now.
As an extra bonus we've also added support for banner interstitial ad types in the pubCenter plugin! There's now a dropdown to let you choose either a video or banner interstitial in the Prepare interstitial action.
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Exécuter r66.2
Nouveaux ajouts
PubCenter: support for banner interstitials
Corrections de bug
Effects dialog did not list effects (regression in r66)
Possible crash deleting instances after deleting a behavior
Show error message instead of crashing when trying to import an unsupported image format
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