michael's Forum Posts

  • Amazing how proof gets ignored hey!

  • Chrome absolute decimates the Pros battery life, and Edge is far superior in this regard.[/code:1mnv6iiu]
    Yeah chrome IS a bug. . . . . . .  
    [quote:1mnv6iiu]I think the stable autumn creators update is not far now...
    Yeah it's not far away 
    [quote:1mnv6iiu]I might test it then.
    The recent flights have been stable for me. Issues have been mainly Edge annoyances (like tab views sticking, copy\paste issues, that kind of thing) and some less than attractive UI changes (Acrylic, they say it is awesome, but to me it is **** ugly to say the least).
    But as far as stability is concerned I have not had anything that required a roll-back for a long time now -  the one roll-back I had to do was an annoying shutdown issue but that was before the first world launch. I guess it depends on hardware\software you use. 
    I do mainly 3D modelling and Texturing using a variety of tools; Blender, Photoshop, Substance, Quixel, Unity, UE4, Game Guru, Leadwerks, Bryce, TG4, and some other texture tools. They all work no problems at all.
    So give it a try
  • tunepunk, ok just tried C3 in flight 16299. Loaded site no problems, loaded Kiwi Story no problems, and wait for it..... wait for it..... yay, the game seams to work, died a few times and although I didn't play to the end, it seamed to run just fine!

  • Well no, I have to say I don't know any of the settings\tweaks\work-arounds (really not interested at all in C3\Browser\Subs) Just thought I would give it a try for you since I am running insider builds since day one.

    Also I just received and installed the 16299 flight (they be coming thick and fast at present), so will give that a try for you as soon as I can. The flights now are just focusing on stabilization for release to the world, so it may be something Ashley needs to look into to fix, although Edge seams to get more fixes than anything else

  • I am running build 16296, and yes the editor runs.

    Tried loading Kiwi story, but is reports an error saying "The project exceeds the free edition limit. some features will be unavailable" (huh, go figure) but it loaded anyway.

    The editor appears to be functioning, but couldn't play the game - doesn't respond to any keyboard controls and just locks up, message says "construct.net is not responding" and after a while reloads the page back to Construct 3 Beta dialog

    But yeah I guess it now runs in the best browser available for windows 10, but not correctly as yet.

  • [quote:1gnbew2h]Trying to follow this thread as it is seems to get a bit out of topic. But what i guess people are saying is...

    Well Ashley started it....

    Everyone keeps bringing up v-sync, talking about a bug that was literally fixed in 2014. It's not been an issue for years...... people are just dredging up old and years-ago fixed bugs to try to make their case.

    Stop clouding the issue being discussed. You always do that to make "your own case".

    Hard to build a business that's so reliant on another business and who can pull the rug out from you at any time.

    There's a world of difference between relying on open-source projects and free software that implements standardised technology with open specifications, and transforming our business in to a UI skin for another closed-source game engine which doesn't care about us at all.

    You guys were saying your tool is not dependent on other products - which it clearly is - which is why you would not go down the unity path since they don't care about others.

    The issue of jank was proof that Google doesn't care about you either. And don't think they will not break it in the future and then take another 8 months or so to fix it. Why because you don't matter, they don't care about some company trying to make a game engine.

    Exporting C2 (C3 will be no different) to other mediums is fraught with all kinds of issues - therefore it is great for browser games on a reasonable spec PC (asside for issues mentioned again in this thread) but for mobile dev, performance, well.......

    So therefore to me C2\C3 are great prototyping tools.

    As already said, there is a reason why the big devs have moved on to other tools to develop their games, which amazingly are still the pull-strings on the home page - think about it....

    Think about it......

  • Scirra should have just answered the post with a simple statement that they have no time\desire to do what the OP was requesting.

    Despite the rhetoric here, both C2 and C3 rely on third party components either to run in a browser or to run on any other medium.

    C2 and C3 are great for browser games - like well they are HTML5, but for any other type of use they are only good for prototyping.

    If you are serious about making games that do not run in a browser you have to use other tools - it is that simple.

    While the event system is awesome, sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and learn other tools, which will require coding.

    Despite the fact that Chrome is an awesome piece of engineering (apparently), Google like any other company out there simply DON'T care about how others use their tools\products - the jank problem was absolute proof of that. Firefox, or any other browser maker will be no different.

    As already said, there is a reason why the big devs have moved on to other tools to develop their games, which amazingly are still the pull-strings on the home page - think about it....

  • Yeah, first rule of thumb: don't buy anything from Steam unless there is no other way to get it. Rule no 2 if you can only get it from Steam, seriously consider if you do actually need it.

  • rexrainbow - thanks for this awesome plug.

    I was wanting to make a calendar type app, and was wondering if it is possible to use this plugin to find out what the first day of any given month is (Sunday, monody, Tuesday etc.....).

    My thinking is that I could then use this as the starting point to make the Calendar grid.

    Thanks for any input....

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hi all, spend most of my time creating media for 3D world, but still love to tinker with C2.

    I have been asked to make a calendar based app, and wondering if it is actually feasible or even possible with C2.

    The app would need:

    1) to be able to create a calendar type interface

    2) be able to save data for user selected days (just a couple of simple numbers (hours on a job for example)

    3) retrieve that info for read back purposes when scrolling from month to month

    4) possibly store that info in the cloud (dropbox)

    Is this possible?

    Any ideas on best approach to this kind of thing?

    Are there any calendar plugins available? (tried searching calendar and just get a couple of Cordova related topics returned)

    I will go off and begin a slow crawl through the plethora of plugins in the Addons Forum, but any tips would be greatly appreciated.


  • No - and definitely will not:

    1) Browser based

    2) Reliant on chrome

    3) Ownership depravation

    4) No native exports

    5) Subscription

    C2 only suffers from point 4 - why would I want to pay a sub for the other 4 points?

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    Well, I said a few posts ago that I was going which I did, and still do not intend to try and change anything here - it is as well pointed out already - pointless.

    But I have been watching the forum here out of interest, and well CannedEssence nailed it in his post.

    WackyToaster - it is not about the price, it doesn't even matter if the sub is cheaper that a can of baked beans, most of those against this sub model are so because they don't get to own anything - it really is that simple.

    Imo the whole setup is just one big nail in C3's coffin - well at least for me.

    The problem Scirra face now is not just the sub model itself, but also the willingness to alienate existing customers.

    So obviously they will sit back and wait to see how the first year turns out, and maybe it will work fine, but if it doesn't and they rethink their strategy don't expect to win back the customers you alienated. They will have moved on by then, and if they chose a tool that has better export options, you may not even be able to give it to them.

    At worst people will feel dumped by Scirra, C3 will be a sour taste in the mouth, and they won't want to return no matter how good the deal is.

    The silent majority may not be in favour of the sub model either - but only time will tell.

    Unfortunately the way C3 was introduced was almost the same as a train hitting you side on at the railway crossing - not pleasant at all. It would have been a much better thing to engage the community before the sub was in concrete, and try to work a plan that was created along with community input. But yeah, I know 'opening a can of worms'.

    Right going away again.......

    • Post link icon


    After reading and commenting in threads with this kind of subject matter it is obvious we can't change things (we knew that anyway).

    For me the worse news this year (technology wise that is) was C3 being browser-based, and even worse still being a Sub model - WOW what a let down!!!

    C3 has nothing to offer initially - it is C2 in a browser atm.

    If I were to subscribe, I would just be paying for an online service that I don't need to build my projects - just the standard HTML5 build we have with C2 will be fine.

    As PhoenixNightly said it IS NOT THE PRICE, it's about owning the software. It appears that Scirra have a problem with letting us own something for our outlay. I suspect it is because this model has been built in since the very beginning.

    After reading the numerous replies from Ashley and Tom it is clear that C2 is now what it will always be. No more updates (apart from maintenance, for a while anyway). All those things we wanted fixed\added - not going to happen! (to those that will say you are a scrooge - wrong, I would buy C2 again to fund Scirras efforts)

    And the deal for C3 is what it is, take it or leave. Paint it however you like - it is not a friendly deal.

    Wish you the best Scirra.....

    But now I will take my leave

    Happy game making everyone.

    • Post link icon

    Lets take Fusion or Gamemaker.

    To get all the export ability on all platforms it will cost you $400-$500

    But you do have exporters.

    And after the five years in your example, you own everything.

    In GoDot i'll take a lot more time than what my $400-$500 is worth to me.

    I does take a bit to get used to a new product, but only a few months. After a while you will get the hang of it. And again you have the exporters many have been asking for around here for years.

    What can you do in 4-5 years? What can Scirra do in 4-5 years?

    I can Rent it and throw $500 at it.

    But what export options will you have. And you still own nothing. . . . . .

    A few points to consider :

    1) Subs are hated by the majority (and I am not just talking about the Construct community)

    2) Scirra is taking a new and yes risky direction, and regardless of what anybody thinks, they want to try it - it may pay off, it may not.

    3) Scirra customer base will obviously change - many of the old customers will not buy it, some of the old customers will buy it, and the future may well rest on new customers supporting it.

    4) If you like the deal go for it - after all it is an excellent HTML5 tool.

    5) If you don't like the deal it is time to broaden your skill set and learn a new tool. Scripting is not that hard - it is just different. The trade-off is export options and ownership of the product you invest in.

    • Post link icon

    > We can't do that with the online version of C3, since Scirra want to maintain a single version which is fair enough, hence my proposal to allow edit access with the standalone version.


    This severely complicates support. If someone on a 6 month old version complains about a bug - what do we do? Or, Chrome introduce a breaking change. We have to go back and update every single version. This quickly becomes a maintenance nightmare. We prefer to just have everyone on the latest and greatest version.

    No - It simplifies support.

    Subscription equals updates, new features and bug fixes - in other words ongoing support. One your sub runs out you get to keep a standalone version. You don't get updates period. If you find a bug then re-subscribe.

    You even loose forum support with some subs-models out there. EG members only forums. Knowledge base for everyone

    Tom, if this was the nature of your sub model I would pay more for it.