[quote:1gnbew2h]Trying to follow this thread as it is seems to get a bit out of topic. But what i guess people are saying is...
Well Ashley started it....
Everyone keeps bringing up v-sync, talking about a bug that was literally fixed in 2014. It's not been an issue for years...... people are just dredging up old and years-ago fixed bugs to try to make their case.
Stop clouding the issue being discussed. You always do that to make "your own case".
Hard to build a business that's so reliant on another business and who can pull the rug out from you at any time.
There's a world of difference between relying on open-source projects and free software that implements standardised technology with open specifications, and transforming our business in to a UI skin for another closed-source game engine which doesn't care about us at all.
You guys were saying your tool is not dependent on other products - which it clearly is - which is why you would not go down the unity path since they don't care about others.
The issue of jank was proof that Google doesn't care about you either. And don't think they will not break it in the future and then take another 8 months or so to fix it. Why because you don't matter, they don't care about some company trying to make a game engine.
Exporting C2 (C3 will be no different) to other mediums is fraught with all kinds of issues - therefore it is great for browser games on a reasonable spec PC (asside for issues mentioned again in this thread) but for mobile dev, performance, well.......
So therefore to me C2\C3 are great prototyping tools.
As already said, there is a reason why the big devs have moved on to other tools to develop their games, which amazingly are still the pull-strings on the home page - think about it....
Think about it......