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  • alastair

    Yes, though I wonder why not just use the native 3DShape for something simpler like billboards?

    Native 3Dshape doesn't produce accurate results. It can only rotate around one axis and it causes the "billboard" to look stretched or squized unless we're looking at it as a very strict angle. It's just bad for anything that has any resamblance or free camera

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  • Since I'm doing it anyway, why don't I just give you a c3p?

  • On hit condition make it pick every target in a certain radius and deal damage/apply force to them. Then slap an effect on top of it

  • You don't always have to. If you're doing it the smart way you don't have to loop for each object all the time. In yor particular case there is zero reason to use loop every tick, because death actions can be run once on hit condition. Also you can use "self" to make all instances pick their own values without looping through each one of them. I'm not sure if it's more performant this way though, but it seems so in my case

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  • I think the reason you won't find anything on this very specific topic is because it's way simplier to do this in 3D there is little reason to go 2D. An example you provided seems to be a dedicated 2.5 engine based on complex shading. Normal maps won't produce the same effect in C3, because it's fundamentaly different. I don't mean to discourage you, but you can potentially waste a lot of time and effort to achieve something that can be done easier and look better in 3D. It could even be more perfomrant

  • I tried but touch interface is way to inconvinient for this kind of work. It's ok for balancing, changing some vars, maybe a bit of level design, but doing actual logic is so slow I couldn't get into it. However with additional mouse and keyboard it will be just like on pc, which is really awesome. Not a lot of engines offer such mobility

  • Tilemap has grid X/Y and target X/Y

  • Tilemaps will give you times more performance in your case. Optimzinig the rendering of repeated patterns is their exact purpose

  • Use tiles if:

    Your maps have a lot of repeating patterns.

    Don't use them if:

    Your maps consist of large unique images.

  • I can say for sure that the game you're describing will be super easy to make in Construct. Especially if you already have a coding expirience. I believe that after getting familiar with the interface and such you'll be able to get a working prototype in an evening or two

  • If they are in container then just use select mode "all"

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