RadioMars's Recent Forum Activity

  • I ran into a problem. I imported some json models with morph animations from blender, and everything was great, until i tried to export my project. When it is exported the models won't load for some reason. Here is my capx:

    can someone tell me, what's going on?

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  • thanks! waiting for reply

  • Looks like support for this plugin ceased to exist...

  • Hello! I bought your plugin some time ago and I like it a lot, but there is a minor thing I want to ask. How to remove a link on in shared message. I would not want people to get confused. Thanks.

  • Hello! I was thinking about skeletal animation on mobile. The thing is my characters are pretty much consist of non-bending elements. So what if I use skeletal animation and just parrent my objects to bones? Will it give me an advantage in performance? Which kind of animation is more suitable for my scene, that always contains 8 animated characters. I would really like to know if I'm going the right way. Thanks!

  • Nice job, and great to see construct getting interaction with such things. I wish someone could come up with LIFX plugin.

  • Wow! I'm surprised there is so little interest in this topic. I'm currently trying to understand, how this kind of generation works. I wonder, how you add something like a large overlay mask, that would modify the tiles, so we could have some kind of biome system.

  • Got it. Thanks for answering. Will saving state be included in future updates? If so, I would rather focus on other aspects of my game.

  • I see. So does excluding with "no save" behavior works? I mean, if I use some proxy 2d objects on a scene, then save state, with q3d objects excluded, and upon loading recreate q3d objects, using 2d proxies?

  • Hello! I have a problem here.

    I'm adding a save system to my game, but when I try to save, or load, I get an error:

    Here's a simple capx, that represents the problem ... e_bug.capx

    Any help with that?

  • 1. By default Q3D shares textures per object type (i.e. If you have a q3dmodel called object1 in construct, all object1 instances share the texture in gpu memory, but if you also have object2 with the same texture, its instatiate in memory. If you really need to share textures in gpu memory, q3dmaster has texture creation actions, and q3dmodel has a special "use texture from q3dmaster" action in advanced x stuff all the way at the bottom of the add action list.

    2. You can use lightmaps with primary uvs to have two seperate "diffuse map" channels. You will definitely be able to do it with some colour replace shader when shaders are working properly, but itd require copying the existing phong/basic/lambert shaders first.

    Thanks for reply! It's much more clear for me now. Can't wait for shaders and bone animations!

  • Hello! I have some questions:

    1. I want to use the same texture on different 3d objects. Is this possible? Ideally I would just use an atlas texture, and map everything I have onto it. I think construct uses some kind of automatic optimisation, but i'm not sure. Do I just add the same texture file on every model, or is there a way, or need to optimise?

    2. I want to make an option to change texture colors. For example, I want to make a texture with a stripe on a background. Then I want to change colors of stripe, and background separetly, so I can have different combinations. Is this currently possible? Will I be able to do it with upcoming shaders?

    Oh and thanks a lot for this plugin. Looking forward for new features!

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