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  • Already did. Noone has any clue, but in case anyone has the same issue:

    I was able to resolve the problem by deleting the head from every animation. After that i just assigned the very same sprite to the bone again, and it worked.

  • Problem Description

    A single sprite in the Spriter animation seems to have a shader effect of some sort, but the shader itself is nowhere to be seen. Animtaion is ok, but this effect just appeared from nowhere upon starting project. The scene is clean and nothing but importing an .scml file(and .scon too) was done. Please help me on this one. Thanks in advance.

    Capx ... .capx?dl=0

    Description of Capx

    As I said, this does nothing. except there might be some settings I am now aware of, which is hardly true.

    Observed Result

    The head becomes white. I also tried this with different sprites

    Expected Result

    the head should not be white

    Affected Browsers

      everything with webgl

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Same on windows 7 and 8

    Construct 2 Version ID



    I was able to solve this problem by assigning another object to head bone, and then removing it. I still don't know what caused this issue.

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  • Hello!

    I use point sampling with low resolution in my project, to make it look retro. For some elements i need a 9patch, but i noticed that it's corners apears to be always smoothed, as if i used linear sampling. It hapens only when rendering with webgl, but i do need webgl for some pixel shaders like replace color. can this be worked around?


  • oh man directx was not installed. fixed now. my bad

  • Hi all!

    Here's the problem. I want to make an exe so all webgl effects are used. I tested my project on my tablet pc, and in browser everything works fine, but slow. So i decided to export with node-webkit, but when i run exe on tablet pc the renderer turns out to be canvas2d. It's webgl on my main pc though.

    tablet is Asus ep 121 with win8, and on pc win7 is installed. please help!

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