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  • Thanks, that clarifies a lot. But does it mean that the more tile types there are in a tilemap, the more drawcalls it would produce? I thought the whole puprose of tilemap is to do the opposite

  • I'm in a middle of developing my game, which is grid based and I just realised that I could replace almost all my objects with tiles from tilemap. The thing is most of my environment is supposed to have animations. I'm planning to do it by switching tiles on demand or, in some cases, constantly. I have a guess that if I use tile positions to calculate movements for my characters it wll cost less and I will be able to have a lot more action going on without unnecessery collision detection. I don't have a lot of time to experiment and make my own tests, so my question is: is it worth trying to build a game that will mostly have tilemaps and use sprites only for characters and players? Can I win a lot of performance by redesigning my project to be that way? I saw some plugins utilising tilemaps and people seem to be very pleased with their performance. So are tilemaps generally faster then sprites, even if I try to make all my scene animated with them?

  • Oh yeah, I see. Sign me up for pro verson

  • Oh yeah, I'm ashamed I didn't think of that in the first place. So you mean that they actually follow the tiles and not going around them? So, maybe if I have a layout full of static objects, I will be able to generate an invisible functional tilemap that will erase all the tiles at object positions? Will that work?

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  • Will it be able to detect sprites as obstacles or is it only for tilemap?

  • This is very cool. I'm looking forward for this

  • Wow, thank you, guys. This is amazing

  • This is extremely usefull, effect! Thanks, R0J0hound

    Is it possible to make it scale proportionally to the image it is aplied to? For example when I change the resolution I notice that the outline remains the same width, so it looks larger if an image becomes smaller

  • Thank you! This effect looks just right

  • This is great! Can you make tube distortion adjustable?

  • Sorry for offtop, but I just wanted to say, that models were not loading for me after export in latest unstable release of construct. After I installed r206, everything worked fine. I don't know what causes this issue and I hope it ceases to exist in future releases.

  • Guys, can anyone tell me if there is a way to export smoothing groups in json?

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