RadioMars's Forum Posts

  • Nm, problem solved by forcing the sprite to be positioned on rounded coordinates.

  • Whenever I do that, there is a one pixel delay in the movement.

    What I'm trying to do is to use image points in animation frames to position other sprites that represent different parts of the player model. This doesn't seem to work very well, as I need them to be exactly at the position of the image point the moment the frame changes. It's very noticeable since I use pixel art style.

  • Yess.

  • One of the benefits I see is: cross-platform is super easy. At least for available platforms

  • Absolutely! I also have an idea. Why not try changing the brigthness of your weapon based on light zone to fake dynamic lighting?

  • > delgado The link is in the first post

    great, this LightLayer3D-1-2-0.c3addon works with 3d Shape from scirra?

    I'm not sure. I don't even understand how to make it work with 3Dobject itself. We have to wait for Mikal's answer

  • delgado The link is in the first post

  • any ideas how add real time light in 3d game?

    You get 3D light addon when you purchase 3D Object. However I can't find an example among the files. Mikal can you please add an example or post it here?

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  • If you want 3d physics then your best bet is using a 3d engine. Why would you dig a hole with a kitchen knife?

  • Use tilemap as referance for creating 3d objects in runtime

  • Load only the necessary amount of peds. By "necessary" I mean some peds in player vicinty. Basically a player must have an area around him that dynamically loads some npcs. Pathfinding is expensive but if you prevent them from finding paths simlutaniously it'll be alright. Just for the love of gods don't make the whole city perfom pathfinding

  • They're not even in alpha yet and runtime features will only appear after 1.0. In their own words: "we're not reccomending waiting..."

  • alastair

    Yes, though I wonder why not just use the native 3DShape for something simpler like billboards?

    Native 3Dshape doesn't produce accurate results. It can only rotate around one axis and it causes the "billboard" to look stretched or squized unless we're looking at it as a very strict angle. It's just bad for anything that has any resamblance or free camera

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  • Since I'm doing it anyway, why don't I just give you a c3p?