RadioMars's Forum Posts

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  • You can post a link to dropbox. Also make sure to remove any third party plugins from your project. Otherwise we won't be able to open it

  • Noone knows what to fix and what's the problem. If you could post a simplified c3p version of your issue, I'm sure the problem would be solved in no time

  • I don’t see how it’s a bad idea. Providing automatic focus on a new pop up window seems like what always should happen.

    Isn't it already autofocused after you click the "add" button? I mean it already follows exactly the same logic, the only difference being one extra step, which is the edit window itself. I can only agree that "add new" button should be autofocused. Sorry for misunderstanding if that's what you guys ment

  • Bad idea. What If It don't want to add new var or behavior? What if I want to check or delete? No thank you. The way it is works now is perfectly fine. I'd rather watch them fixing bugs and adding more awesome features instead of fixing something that isn't broken

  • I also encountered a bug with autotile brushes. Already posted it on bug reports

  • Advanced random plugin has a permutation table function. It does exactly what you want

  • No problem

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  • You can still add all the players in another family and adress it to identify who's party is acting, adding another variable that represents the team is also a good idea. Alternatively you can make players into animations of one single object. They would differ by their individual variable settings. I believe if you can represent a difference between players with a variable rather than creation of an object class then it's going to be better and more flexible system

  • NP! Yes, you can add them to one family which will exist purely for counting turns. Don't worry, it won't restrict your architecture. It's still possible to add them to other families. It's probably possible to do it the other way, but having them in one family seems easy enough

  • Add a global variable that represents character's turn. Give characters a variable that represents their position in a queue. Allow action only when character's variable matches the global one, add 1 to global var after each turn and set it back to zero when the last character makes a move. If an enemey and a character are different objects, then you may want to unite them under one family and assign their position variable to this family instead(a good practice btw. Helps a lot with picking objects of the same kind)

  • Tilemaps handle collisions diffrently and it's probably best to "disable" chunks altogether when you don't need them. A more viable aproach in this case would be storing the world data in an array and use only handfull of chunks around the player when they move. For example you can use 9 chunks around the player and when he exits the central chunk, the furthest ones change position to the front of player's movement, while getting world data from the array and setting tiles accordingly. Alternatively you can update one single tilemap object and shift all objects to create an illusion of seamless movement. I tried this aproach with an infinite world and performance is pretty solid even with bitwise autotiling slapped on top of the whole process. If you're interested you can check the "infinite runner" example

  • I don't see any reason not to use object pooling to be honest. I tested it many times in construct and it always works better. I believe pooling is THE way to do bullets in such games. If only 400 bullets are droping your performance then you should check if anyhthing is done to them while they're in the pool and not active. Just disable them altogether until you shot them

  • Check out this video

  • This is crazy! Keep up the good work! Love the gltf format btw. So much information can be stored within just one file. I think it'll be possible to make a real eye candy inside Construct. Especially with some fog options