What are the benefits of C3 to a publisher/investor?

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  • I'm creating a pitch deck for a project to present to a publisher, but I have concerns about the engine aspect. I'm struggling to justify the use C3, besides the fact that I like it.

    The cons I've identified are significant:

    - It's difficult to find professionals who are proficient in the engine. With a small team, it will be challenging to find additional support if needed.

    - The engine can't export to consoles unless we engage another (paid) company.

    - It's not the most suitable engine for team collaboration.

    - The lack of code may affect its long-term sustainability, which can impact porting and maintenance.

    The only pro I see is that I really enjoy using the engine (which is certainly a big one), but are there any other advantages? Is there any benefit to building games with HTML for PCs?

  • One of the benefits I see is: cross-platform is super easy. At least for available platforms

  • I think there's a couple of things to consider. Finding additional support for example seems more like a you-problem and not the publishers problem, and possibly can be avoided with careful planning/scoping. (Not that I have the ability to not woefully overscope everything I touch...)

    The export to console is a little bit of a bummer, but in reality there's probably not that much difference I think. Even if the engine technically supports export for consoles, it's more than likely that it will not work out of the box. You will almost certainly have to do porting work, regardless of engine. The only difference would be that you could do the porting work yourself, which sounds like an absolute anti-fun nightmare to me. Ratalaika (aka one of the companies that does porting) covers all porting costs and ports for a % of revenue. At least that's what they told me last time I asked. Sounds like a perfectly fine deal in my book. If the game is well received, it will still be worth porting and as such will still be worth for the publisher, just not as much I guess. Not to mention the publisher will make damn sure they get their share of money either way.

    Not sure about sustainability/maintenance to be honest. I'd guess that well thought out eventsheets are similarly sustainable as well thought out code, and terrible code will be just as bad as terrible eventsheets. Also you CAN do a large portion in code if you want.

    I guess my bottom line is to worry a bit less about the publisher. And if you show the publisher an absolute banger game, they probably really don't care if it's made in Construct or not.

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  • WackyToaster Somedays ago I watched a live with the Head Game Scout at Secret Mode where he touched the topic about deals with games made with Unreal's blueprint, where he would be inclined to say NO because of the technology used, I'm pretty skeptical abou this response, but it's interesting anyway.


    There are games made in Construct that made deals with publishers, like Mighty Goose and Moonrider, but since C3 is not a very popular engine (I never saw a studio recruiting C3 developers, for example), I would like to point out why they don't need to worry about it.

  • Here are a few points for consideration!

    • If you are using event sheets and don't want to program, then a tool like Construct makes it possible for you to make your game whereas otherwise it could have been impossible.
    • A vast range of high-level features speed up development time a great deal, such as built-in physics, pathfinding, line-of-sight, platform movement, etc.
    • Being web-based makes it uniquely good for integrating HTML and CSS for things like forms and data tables, which can be tricky in other tools.
    • There is genuinely an identical codebase for all platforms meaning cross-platform issues amongst the supported export options are rare.
    • Browser performance is outstanding these days - many people still assume it's slow but it is in fact so fast now it can far out-perform competing tools
    • Publishing to the web provides a way around paying 15-30% of your revenue to a platform owner
    • Web technology is the future! Construct started when everyone was still using Flash, and the editor itself is fully web-based, and I believe that's the direction everything is going in long-term.
  • If you are using event sheets and don't want to program, then a tool like Construct makes it possible for you to make your game whereas otherwise it could have been impossible.

    That's the best point imo.

  • Ashley That's great, thanks!

    I wish we had a bigger community... Here in Brazil, even if the project is good, most studios here use only Unity and they want to keep it that way.

    Btw, I think there are great opportunities for marketing here on Brazil, as the dev scene is relatively new and ppl don't view Construct as a professional tool yet. I sure hope for that to change.

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