eliandromon's Forum Posts

  • We're all familiar with how bone animation adds life and save resources to 2D sprites in games, and one popular tool for this is Spine. However, it seems there's no official Spine plugin, and the suggested alternative, Spriter, doesn't receive frequent updates.

    Given this, what's the workaround for achieving bone animation in C3? Can the Animate tools get the job done, even without mesh capabilities? I'm experimenting with animate right now but it seens limited when compared to other tools.

    I found a tread from the Spine plugin from Mikal and they seem to be doing a great job, but is there any plans for this kind of feature to be officially supported in C3?

  • Remember we're a small team with just a handful of staff working out a single office. If you're expecting Construct to dominate the entire game development industry and cover a feature set that would require hundreds of staff to achieve, it's unlikely to happen. I don't think it's realistic to expect so much of us, just like it's unrealistic to expect a small, self-funded team of indie game developers to build a MMORPG on the scale of World of Warcraft.

    We really do care and I think we have achieved great things given the resources we have available. It is painful to read people accusing us of not caring and listing things we don't remotely have the resources to cover as their reasoning why.

    I know people get tired of hearing me keep saying "we're a small team and we have limited resources". It's because it's true and 99% of the time it's the answer to "why hasn't XYZ been done yet". Claiming everything is broken, limited, or that the team don't care, is unreasonable and also a disservice to the many people over the years who have loved using Construct. I'd also point out the Forum & Community guidelines which cover this as I think these sorts of arguments are bad faith and I don't think that kind of thing should be discussed further on the forums.

    Yes, actually, that's it. Construct is made by a small and passionate team that intends to stay that way and cater to its niche, evolving in an organic manner.

    A few years ago, Construct was perfect for me because, not knowing how to program, it still allowed me to do everything I wanted. However, when thinking about larger projects with bigger teams, we started to feel the barriers that are being discussed in this thread.

    What constantly comes to my mind is the question, "Is it a good idea to continue in the long run?" After all, Construct is a tool that provides the foundation for my professional life. It's where I derive my income, and there is no option but to take it very seriously and think about the future.

    I believe that Scirra, as a company, has every right to maintain the business model and philosophy it prefers, after all, it has been very successful. And for developers, it doesn't seem to make much sense to expect major additions and changes, as we understand that Scirra has its own pace.

    Construct is an incredible, niche engine that fits its purpose very well and gives off a strong "Indie" vibe. Understanding how Scirra operates, we have to judge whether it's the right engine for each of our projects without creating false expectations.

  • I found this video while searching for the topic, and well, the first minute is just disheartening.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    It's like what we were discussing on https://www.construct.net/en/forum/construct-3/general-discussion-7/good-time-construct-great-178657

    I'm so tired of this kind of reponse :(

  • I want to start studying online multiplayer in my free time. Is Construct suitable for this? Is it worth to invest time in the long run?

    I'm not a beginner, but I have 0 experience with online games.

    And, of course, I'm not talking about giant MMORPGs, but more in line with small 2D games for web and mobile.

    Thanks :)

  • twitter.com/ConstructTeam/status/1704455846145454353

    I just saw this, and I think that this kind of collaboration between developers and Scirra is awesome. I've been following the development of this game for a long time and had no idea it was made with Construct.

    This kind of spotlight helps us have something to show when recommending the engine. Before trying C3, I used GameMaker because so many games that I loved were being made with it, and I learned that in their showcase page (https://gamemaker.io/en/showcase).

    Global Game Jam is approching and I'll be organizing the local event in my state, I'll make sure to talk about C3, and if we could work out some prizes like licenses it would be great.

  • Construct is amazing, and in my view, this is not a post to ask for more features but for more presence. I believe C3 has a niche and in no way competes as a possible engine to take on Unity, but I see many developers around me who have no idea what C3 is capable of.

    I think if Scirra wants to keep its structure small and focused, that's fine; I have been completely satisfied with the service and understand that C3 truly serves a niche, which is why I've been here for years. However, I believe that greater community engagement and INDUSTRY RECOGNITION will bring numerous benefits.

    It would be great to see more tutorials and guides on YouTube, game showcases, engaged influencers, promotions, and more. We need more partners to export for console, and even official support for Spine would be incredible, and this is all third parties!

  • I completely agree; all the attention is going to Unreal, Godot, and Game Maker, but I don't see any mention of Construct anywhere. It seems like it's lacking presence.

    It's very common to have campaigns and events like competitions, game jams, funding opportunities, and participation in expos with booths, but I've never seen anything about Construct. The work that Unity and Game Maker are doing in Brazil is quite intense, and that makes the engine very appealing to developers.

    I think this lack of presence and marketing is hiding the engine's real capabilities, and its current reputation prevents developers from even considering getting to know the engine.

  • Log:

    The game works reverting to NW.js 0.76!

  • When I export my game to nw.js, it starts with a black screen and freezes. It doesn't even show the loading bar.

    I've been working on this game for over a year, and this is the first time this has happened. It works perfectly in the engine preview and when exported for HTML5 and WebView2.

    I've already tried changing the export settings and even starting the game on an empty layout.

    Help :(


  • Ashley That's great, thanks!

    I wish we had a bigger community... Here in Brazil, even if the project is good, most studios here use only Unity and they want to keep it that way.

    Btw, I think there are great opportunities for marketing here on Brazil, as the dev scene is relatively new and ppl don't view Construct as a professional tool yet. I sure hope for that to change.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • WackyToaster Somedays ago I watched a live with the Head Game Scout at Secret Mode where he touched the topic about deals with games made with Unreal's blueprint, where he would be inclined to say NO because of the technology used, I'm pretty skeptical abou this response, but it's interesting anyway.


    There are games made in Construct that made deals with publishers, like Mighty Goose and Moonrider, but since C3 is not a very popular engine (I never saw a studio recruiting C3 developers, for example), I would like to point out why they don't need to worry about it.

  • I'm creating a pitch deck for a project to present to a publisher, but I have concerns about the engine aspect. I'm struggling to justify the use C3, besides the fact that I like it.

    The cons I've identified are significant:

    - It's difficult to find professionals who are proficient in the engine. With a small team, it will be challenging to find additional support if needed.

    - The engine can't export to consoles unless we engage another (paid) company.

    - It's not the most suitable engine for team collaboration.

    - The lack of code may affect its long-term sustainability, which can impact porting and maintenance.

    The only pro I see is that I really enjoy using the engine (which is certainly a big one), but are there any other advantages? Is there any benefit to building games with HTML for PCs?

  • I deactivated all extensions and as far as I know nothing clears my data, but the settings on the editor are still resetting and logging me out. It only happens in the editor, this site/forum is always logged in.

    On Firefox this doesn't happen, I stay logged as normal.

    I'll keep investigating but at the moment idk what to do.

  • Sometimes when I launch C3 its settings reset to default and I'm logged out, even tho I'm still logged in construct.net and other sites as normal.

    Happens pretty often both in the browser (chrome) and installed as an app.

  • Are there any downsides to organizing events inside subs like they were folders?

    I find it way easier to keep my code organized this way.