It is good time to make the Construct great again

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An educational game for Times Table. An easy to use template for developers to build larger games
  • Lets discuss what can be done to make the Construct interesting for devs, especially who are searching for a new engine, after Unity fail

    People telling that Construct is for kids, why?

  • I completely agree; all the attention is going to Unreal, Godot, and Game Maker, but I don't see any mention of Construct anywhere. It seems like it's lacking presence.

    It's very common to have campaigns and events like competitions, game jams, funding opportunities, and participation in expos with booths, but I've never seen anything about Construct. The work that Unity and Game Maker are doing in Brazil is quite intense, and that makes the engine very appealing to developers.

    I think this lack of presence and marketing is hiding the engine's real capabilities, and its current reputation prevents developers from even considering getting to know the engine.

  • There are youtubers paid by Unity to promote their games, tools and marketplace. I don't know Scirra's financials, but having a big influencer behind them would do wonders for the brand.

  • Game machines like RPG maker come with bundled assets and get you up and running right away. It would be very easy for Construct to go after the rpg maker market, it would just take bundled assets and some easy to follow examples specifically aimed at RPG 2d or 2.5d. A game engine without sound and graphic assets is hard to jump into.

  • Scirra should jump on this unity fail and do some marketing. Like create a special coupon for 50% off first month or something. Then tell Unity devs to sign up if they're looking to jump ship.

  • as a pro developer with more than 50 finished games and 50+M plays of my games I can say what im missing in the C3.

    - normal standalone app

    - 3D (based on the modern libraries for 3d in the web)

    - support for all popular monetisation tools

    - prefabs

    - mesh animation

    - masking for sprites

    - runtime preview

    - support for facebook playable files.

    list can be wider, but this is the main things that pro devs cant find in the engine.

    3D for web is very popular now, devs who can do it, using classic JS and three JS earning the highest salaries.

    many people searching for devs who can do Facebook playable ads

    and all publishers asking about monetization tools in the developed games and they all has api for unity

    this is why publishers asking devs to use unity

    and probably construct need more than 2 devs to make the engine, to be compitative

  • Construct is amazing, and in my view, this is not a post to ask for more features but for more presence. I believe C3 has a niche and in no way competes as a possible engine to take on Unity, but I see many developers around me who have no idea what C3 is capable of.

    I think if Scirra wants to keep its structure small and focused, that's fine; I have been completely satisfied with the service and understand that C3 truly serves a niche, which is why I've been here for years. However, I believe that greater community engagement and INDUSTRY RECOGNITION will bring numerous benefits.

    It would be great to see more tutorials and guides on YouTube, game showcases, engaged influencers, promotions, and more. We need more partners to export for console, and even official support for Spine would be incredible, and this is all third parties!

  • I can't believe what Unity is doing. Charging $0.20 per install, and its applied to past games too.

    The world gets more dystopian every day. An install tax sounds like something Apple would dream up.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • There'll always be long lists of features we could potentially do, and we'll always be working our way through it. But for what it's worth, after all the things we've tried over the years, all the experiments we've done, all the PR stunts, all the blog posts written, and so on - in my view, by far the most effective thing is independent developers recommending us. If you want to help make Construct a success, merely talking about us on social media, showing what you're working on and mentioning the engine, or recommending us to others, I think is far more effective than anything we can do ourselves even if we threw a lot of money at it.

    Another problem we've had in the past is people tend to disregard things we say ourselves. For example even if we show impressive results, people tend to have an attitude of "of course they'd say that about their own product". What independent developers say carries a lot more weight with other developers. So if you like us and want to help, it would be great if people who use Construct just talk about us! Independent feature comparisons, benchmarks and so on would be great too. Construct has tons of features and JavaScript performance is ridiculously good and in some cases it genuinely far exceeds the competition, but people seem to distrust us doing our own comparisons.

    Also don't forget we recently launched a new affiliate program - so if you have a popular website, YouTube channel or whatever, you can make money from talking about Construct or helping promote it too.

  • Very true, users of Construct 3 can be the best ambassadors. To start, I created a topic about Scirra Construct 3 at the If Not Nill forum, which is primarily ex-Xojo developers.

    If you are interested in my post there, you can click the following link:

    If you have anything to share, you can create a reply on the Construct topic or start your own. However, to do that, you need to be registered.

    Maybe when there is enough interest, we can ask for our own Construct category.

    I hope this helps spread the word about Construct. Construct is an excellent game development environment.

    I wish you a great day!


    (not so bad once you know him)


    I just saw this, and I think that this kind of collaboration between developers and Scirra is awesome. I've been following the development of this game for a long time and had no idea it was made with Construct.

    This kind of spotlight helps us have something to show when recommending the engine. Before trying C3, I used GameMaker because so many games that I loved were being made with it, and I learned that in their showcase page (

    Global Game Jam is approching and I'll be organizing the local event in my state, I'll make sure to talk about C3, and if we could work out some prizes like licenses it would be great.

  • I just saw this, and I think that this kind of collaboration between developers and Scirra is awesome.

    They have been doing it for years with many AAA developers, but sadly it went unnoticed, if they made it on YouTube then surely it would help C3 to reach the limelight it deserves.

  • We have been doing the Developer Diaries series for a while, and they're all tagged so you can find them in the blog system. We've recently started reposting them on our socials too. Mighty Goose, Moonstone Island and Astral Ascent are a couple of previous highlights in my opinion.

    I'm also working on something else to highlight games made in Construct, but it's going to take some time to put together.

  • "in my view, by far the most effective thing is independent developers recommending us. " Ashley

    This statement holds true but for that, you have to make the marketing right.


    On other day, I was watching a video on YouTube with around 3 million views. In the video, the dude discussed how he had created the same game using many different game engines. When it came to Construct 3, the dude was impressed by how the no-code engine was easy to use and based on the browser. However, he concluded that C3 is very lightweight and is best suited for smaller projects and prototypes.

    I was initially shocked at his ignorance, if he just opened the example project from c3, he would have been shocked, at how capable the engine is, but then I realized it wasn't entirely his fault. There is something fundamentally wrong with how C3, that how it presents itself.

    It markets itself as a no-code engine, but in reality, it's not true. C3 does involve a fair amount of programming. If you don't have much programming knowledge and start using C3, you may face difficulty initially but if you continue, you'll end up not just learning how to use C3, but at the same time, gaining knowledge about programming, many different aspects of programming, which helps you tremendously in future if you pursue your career on that direction. (C3 does this brilliantly, and I have yet to see another engine that does it as effectively as C3 does with its event system).

    I have an interesting case study about TATA Motors (which owns Jaguar and Land Rover), which I believe will help illustrate my thoughts better.

    In 2009, TATA Motors introduced the world's most affordable car, called the TATA Nano, which was launched at ₹1 lakh, at that time. The news spread like wildfire, with media outlets worldwide covering it extensively. The buzz was overwhelmingly positive, and the stock price of the TATA Group went crazy. Everyone expected this to be a revolutionary product for the group. The early reviews were also somewhat positive.

    However, when the car hit the roads, Despite mostly positive reviews, the TATA NANO project was deemed a failure.

    You might wonder why. What went wrong?

    Well, It's because of the fundamental nature of human psychology. People often consider a car as a symbol of luxury and status. When you associate a luxury symbol with affordability, it doesn't sit right with people. They'd rather buy a used car at the same price than purchase a new car that everyone knows is the world's most affordable car. So when people see you driving this car, they assume since you don't have that much money that's why you bought this, the world's most affordable car.

    So, coming back to the Construct 3, a no-code, event sheet interface, and a browser-based powerful game engine are excellent traits of C3 but these traits can be a double-edged sword. If you take a closer look, you'll realize that Scirra is doing something similar with C3 what TATA did with the Nano.

    In general, people who know programming tend to brag about it. If you say that you made a game using C3, due to C3's marketing, people assume that you don't know much about programming and that's why you chose C3. I think this is why some dedicated developers tend to disregard C3. When they do end up using C3, they often don't openly share it with the public. I've even witnessed games created with C3 that display the Unity splash screen.

    Scirra a small start-up based in London made a fantastic game engine that can challenge a billion-dollar-backed game engine anytime, but did not get enough recognition which it truly deserves due to its poor marketing.

  • DISCLAIMER, I love C3 in every bit possible, The above is not a criticism at all, no matter what people believe or like, I always endure C3 whenever I can, I love Scirra as a company, admired being a small startup and how they made a great game engine.

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