It is good time to make the Construct great again

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • That's kind of expected. But on the other hand, if I were in just for the money I'd stop using Construct and start a dropshipping company. Also, there are other ways to make money apart from directly monetizing youtube.

    Yes, of course. I never planned to be rich just making Construct tutorials, and even adding other form of monetisation on YouTube is not worth. I'll be back to go back to make tutorials as soon I'll be free again, lately I'm quite busy.

    My goal is to use Construct to make a living with my childhood dream job, and I can't complain about it since I'm actually living only thanks to game development at the moment.

  • Construct 3 is just too broken, too slow and too inefficient to even compete with competitive engines out there.

    1. Too many engine bugs, and we only have one or two developers maintaining it.
    2. Lack of so many features an engine should have.
    3. Plugins and behaviors are made to look attractive, not functional.
    4. Even the simplest of issues do not get fixed, it's either lack of interest or lack of skill.
    5. The developers aren't game developers!
    6. The event sheet is a dead-end design.
    7. The engine is so restrictive.
    8. Most plugin developers hate the Plugin SDK.
    9. The engine isn't extensive, the Plugin SDK is only predefined.
    10. The event sheet being a dead-end design and the Plugin SDK being too limited looks to be a reason scripting was introduced.
    11. Scripting is too limited.
    12. So many bugs in scripting since barely no one uses it.
    13. The users are expected to investigate engine bugs, but are not allowed to fix it themselves.
    14. The community cannot extend built-in plugins/behaviors.
    15. The Construct Team invested more in hiding their code rather than fixing or improving their engine.
    16. If a plugin or behavior is limited or broken, you are on your own.
    17. The Construct Team won't divulge their code or even allow the community to fix their code on their stead.
    18. Performance benchmarks are for web games, not mobile or desktop.
    19. Performance on desktop is alright.
    20. Performance on mobile is horrible, makes desktop performance look like a huge feat.
    21. The Steam plugin is literally only 2 actions.
    22. The Construct Team expects us to write C++ to expand the Steam plugin ourselves.
    23. The Construct 3 expects the community to do all the work while being super restrictive.
    24. We are expected to write native code to extend Construct 3 features for browser-level performance.
    25. The Construct 3 Build Service is too restrictive.
    26. Even if it means fixing crucial issues.
    27. Whitelisting takes 2 weeks to 2 months.
    28. The Construct Team likes to support and experiment on future features we will need in 5 years, but forget features we need now.
    29. The Construct Team also seem to use the engine to experiment on Web Technology rather than for game development.
    30. The Construct Team likes to create experimental features until they get bored and abandon it unfinished or incomplete.
    31. There is no roadmap.
    32. New features, fixes or updates are usually already finalized prior to release.
    33. The Multiplayer plugin is broken for nearly a decade.
    34. The Construct Team talked about improving Multiplayer when the lead developer was excited about it, but eventually left it again without fixing any. Just adding features for his experimental 'game', which is subsequently abandoned, like the others.
    35. The Pathfinding behavior makes you think it's enough to make an RTS game, until you try.
    36. There's a reason why Ashley only tried to make Command in Construct in JavaScript.
    37. The engine doesn't support collaboration.
    38. The animations editor is too simple.
    39. The engine still expects us to do frame-by-frame animations.
    40. The engine still uses puzzle functions. (Worse than Construct 2)
    41. Tilemaps are still static and simple.
    42. Tiles are still static and simple.
    43. Spritesheeting
    44. Memory management
    45. The engine still has no UI features.
    46. The engine's introduction to HTML Elements as UI replacement is so awkward.
    47. The Platform behavior can easily get bugs and regression and we cannot control or extend it.
    48. Expect 3rd party to make them, yet treat them horribly.
    49. Small community due to reasons above.
    50. Lack of plugin developers due to reasons above.
    51. Lack of 3rd party services support; the Construct Team doesn't care about publishing, you're on your own.
    52. Lack of offline support.
    53. No desktop version.
  • Аlso a big problem that can arise in my opinion is the dependency on the Cordova that is used less and less every year and I don't know if this even solvable...

  • Could move over to capacitor instead of cordova, also accepts cordova plugins.

  • So - as I make a game... I reach a point where events can't keep up, either because they don't scale, or they lack key functionality. I now have the option to use sdk, or JS directly in construct.

    So NOW, it isn't even a competition between construct and unity(or whatever else). Its a competition between the best coding environments... in my case, c# with visual studio support, or javascript without good intelesense/scope with construct. This isn't even a competition. Construct cannot compete in performance or features in this arena. As construct already can't compete feature wise with the big engines, it makes a space for itself by being clean and fast without touching code. WITHOUT TOUCHING CODE.

    If construct is to ever be a widely accepted tool for creating anything more than little games, The focus has to be to improve construct's ability to create scalable events, across multiple projects, and include more OOP/features that enable more complex/abstract designs. It needs to implement common design patterns (like observer, decorator, etc) behind the scenes to allow users to use events without performance degradation (as creating these patterns with events impose heavy overheads). The functions need to be rebuilt - no matter how much Scrirra likes them, the user base pretty much is clear on this - they suck. Construct also needs scope. It is monumentally annoying to be working on a behavior for a single object type, but every condition/event have to keep clicking that single type out of a list of 1000 types (folders always default to top, so if you have lots of folders, you get to enjoy drilling down every event you create).

    So much of what construct does is great... in small projects. But projects with 1000s of assets get unwieldy in every aspect. You can't even write safe systems to prevent yourself from breaking things. In unity, I mark classes sealed, private, protected, and so on. I can force objects are used in only the ways I intend, but in construct, I can do anything to anything from anywhere. I can call any function from anywhere. Now bring in a collaborator and cry. Static Singletons are okay patterns for a few things, but not for EVERYTHING.

    IMO, construct is sitting in a niche, and that is okay. But to really compete, and why it hasn't become a popular tool for console/PC games, is because despite its ease and ALL the THINGS construct does RIGHT - it just doesn't scale.

    The moment I hit the code, construct isn't easier than unity - its harder. and I started coded for construct before I ever touched unity.

  • I agree scaling a game in C3 can be very hard, but to give credits to Scirra, i think there was tremendous progress made regarding that aspect during the past few years.

    (Templates, Dynamic Layers, Performance improvements, Sublayers, Find Results, Hierarchy improvements just to name a few game-changers stuff that were released)

    I've been working on my biggest project yet for a bit more than a year with C3, and in my experience, using both JS scripting and Addon SDK was unavoidable for a bunch of different reasons due to current Eventsheet limitations. I would advise anyone wanting to make full Steam games to learn using JS in C3 at some point.

    Still, I feel like the community is in right to ask for missing features as C3 is a sub-based evolving software (which is awesome btw!), and we're the actual users of the engine who know the shortcomings based on years of experience we accumulated trying every workaround (including weird eventsheet tricks, behavior hacks, JS scripting, HTML/CSS, and Addon SDK).

    However we need to provide actionnable feedback and fill detailed suggestion on the dedicated platform. And what we ask should make sense in the context of C3 and its own paradigms

    The annoying thing is that sometimes it feels like features suggestions represent a tiny part of the features that are released, but at the same time sometimes i'm glad when Scirra takes cool initiative pushing great stuff no one directly asked. I still hope the balance would continue to grow towards something like >50% of community requested features in the changelogs instead of approx 10%.

    Here are the things i've been missing the most while working and especially scaling my big project with their associated detailed feature request (some were written by me, some by other C3 users) :

    Hierarchy View

    Project View Search QOL : Ability to expand searched Folders/Families to find their content too

    Better Property View (worst part of C3 UX IMO)

    Right Click > Find all References of Variables directly from Property View

    Option to automatically select the layer of the selected instance

    Find : Option to hide/show ambiguous Results

    Reloading addons without restarting the editor (so Addon SDK is finally pleasant to use)

    (^ Scirra just released this in r363!)

    Custom Expressions

    Debugger : per Behavior/Plugin CPU usage

    Scripting interfaces for Custom Actions

    MeshPointX/Y/Z expressions

    Terminate actions for functions/Custom Actions

  • If there was 1 thing I could change, I think it would be some new idea to sorta have Scirra interact with the community in terms of suggestions.

    Like perhaps every month or so, Scirra could run a poll for subscribers, where there's maybe 2,3,or 4 features within the poll, and we can vote on what we wish to see next. How these are chosen, I'm not sure, maybe highly voted ideas from suggestions platform that are rather lengthy to develop.

    This would both give Scirra the choice to pick whatever they are happy with developing, and also gives the community a sense of influence over what will come next.

    Could stick the poll directly into the start page of C3!

    I am a fan of all the unexpected new features that appear, but would definitely feel cool if we can sorta influence C3 regularly, especially since we pay regularly.

  • Scirra isn't going to steal users away from Unity and Godot easily -- but they can get the RPG maker community easily. There are very few RPG maker based games out there and yet they have a great many users who only ask for a non programming environment -- with with with ... a decent set of starter graphics and sounds.

    If you say your strength is to make games without having to program then spending lots of time on tweaks to the JS script is a poor use of time compared to getting people who want to make games without programming with some packaged assets and solid expandable examples that do the dungeon crawl or space opera.

    It would take a month, some portraits and some tiles.



  • While I agree that Construct can be improved in many things, I really can't complain about it, because honestly, without it, I would be still dreaming about making a game, or trying to do something with old Basic.

    Scirra is a small company, well, that's not something bad. I mean, that could just employ 50+ more people and bankrupt straight away, because before getting the monetary benefit to pay someone fulltime, you need to sell a lot.

    I have find many time situations where trying to do something with events is not working and is more complicated than a single code line, but hey, overall I still save lots of time. Yes, improving those inefficiency or weird cases would be of course beneficial for everyone, Scirra, developers and even players.

    I have been using C2 and C3 for a total of 10 years now. Yes, I haven't developed great games, but I still don't get the point where some users says that C3 is not scalable. Since "scalable" is a term that can be used in many situations, could you provide me some examples so it's easier to understand what's wrong?

    Again, I know some issues are annoying, but once you know the engine you can still work around those with events. I never used JS, aside for a big project in collaboration with someone working in the backend that supervise that, but I don't need so far JS, aside for a couple of experiment I tried with C2.

    One example of annoying thing is that once you create an object, you need to wait one tick before being able to treat it as family. Yes it's annoying, but once you know you can make it work. I have some cases where I uses those problems as not intended way to obtain what I need.

    About multiplayer, for the little things I made, it works. It might be tricky sometimes, but so far works.

    I agree very much on the fact that letting choose to the community what develop next, would help users to get gratified, especially since it's a subscription program and people wants to feel part of it. Maybe 1 out of 5 new things could come from users' suggestions. If we want to avoid new joining users to make unreasonable requests, the vote/suggestion could be limited to users that own construct for at least 1-2+ years.

  • If you say your strength is to make games without having to program then spending lots of time on tweaks to the JS script is a poor use of time compared to getting people who want to make games without programming...

    Completely agree. I argued this at the time they started adding it, and also when they announced Construct Animate.

    Its a smack in the face when they "don't have the resources" to work on feature suggestions, but can work on these things no one uses.

    If you already know Javascript chances are you aren't going to use C3, and if you use C3 to learn JS then you'll probably outgrow the engines limits and move on.

    Once a year i check Clickteam to see if theres any word on Fusion 3 yet. Construct has never been a real competitor for Game maker, Unity and the rest in my opinion. Its main draw is its event system. Clickteam is Scirra's real competition, and i think unless they start paying attention they might suffer if Fusion 3 ever gets released.

  • Scirra isn't going to steal users away from Unity and Godot easily -- but they can get the RPG maker community easily. There are very few RPG maker based games out there and yet they have a great many users who only ask for a non programming environment -- with with with ... a decent set of starter graphics and sounds.

    If you say your strength is to make games without having to program then spending lots of time on tweaks to the JS script is a poor use of time compared to getting people who want to make games without programming with some packaged assets and solid expandable examples that do the dungeon crawl or space opera.

    It would take a month, some portraits and some tiles.



    I'm developing an RPG for a client, working part time. It's not really a simple task, especially starting from zero. It has been 10 months so far and we are getting something out now. I think that RPG maker still has an advantage on Construct, being focused only on that part and having loads of things ready.

    Yes, you can have a template, but from a template to customise it to make it your RPG it takes time, in addition to experience. No much a novice can do, unless we are just talking about replacing art and text and keep game mechanics as they are.

  • Biim;

    The main point about RPG maker is their users don't ever finish any games and put them on Steam. They might fantasize about making a living writing games but they pay for a platform that doesn't require programming and has a very poor success rate at making you a game published star.



  • The main point about RPG maker is their users don't ever finish any games and put them on Steam. They might fantasize about making a living writing games but they pay for a platform that doesn't require programming and has a very poor success rate at making you a game published star.

    While it's not nice to discuss other engines here, I had to come out and clarify. RPG Maker There have been countless great games released since RM 2000, even before Steam was popular

    "Doraemon: Nobita's Resident Evil", "Ruina", "Rainblood", "To the Moon", "Ib", "Mad Father", "The Witch's House", "Yume Nikki", "Blue Demon", "Tales of the Black Forest".... There are too many!!

    Moreover, the power of RPG Maker is due to the expansion of plug-in scripts and its powerful user community. No matter where you are, there are many technical personnel sharing plug-in scripts. Even developers who do not understand programming at all can use plug-in scripts to Modify certain parameters according to the requirements to achieve certain functions. The youngest developer I have ever seen is less than 10 years old and has learned how to download third-party scripts to assemble his own adventure world.

    There are also senior programmers who modify the engine to allow RPG Maker to achieve more gameplay options. From traditional turn-based RPG, to ARPG, to RTS, TD, and even simulated MMO RPG.


    I think C3 is moving towards this step as well. The official provides us with hundreds of examples of game mechanics on the initial page. Let us learn the usage of events and the use of advanced scripts. Comparing the quality of the cases, this is currently not seen in other engines. The C3 cases are very complete. This is all to help users become better familiar with using Construct.

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  • Biim;

    The main point about RPG maker is their users don't ever finish any games and put them on Steam. They might fantasize about making a living writing games but they pay for a platform that doesn't require programming and has a very poor success rate at making you a game published star.



    Then it ends on the usual way. It's not an engine problem, it's a skill problem.

    If you are skilled and dedicated enough, you can even create an RPG in Basic.

    The benefit of the engine is what brings outside of the box, for sure RPG Maker give you a great base for that, on the other hand, Constructs has lots of native movement plugins that are great for other type of games without being able to code much.

    Do you want to create a shoot'em up? That's super easy with Construct. You just need Bullet and 8-direction behavior and you have already a great % of the game done even before starting.

  • If you already know Javascript chances are you aren't going to use C3, and if you use C3 to learn JS then you'll probably outgrow the engines limits and move on.

    As some one who knows javascript and work professionally as a software developer (not in game) I disagree with this take. I have used all the engines and keep coming back to construct. And those advanced scripting makes me want to invest more time In The engines.

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