WackyToaster's Forum Posts

  • Afaik Constructs layouts are set up to only ever have one layout active at a give time.

    What could possibly work is that whenever you detach a UI component, it launches a second instance of the project with the specific layout open. Then hook them up with a websocket somehow. But then again, Construct also suspends the engine when the window is out of focus, and it sounds like a bit of a nightmare to get working.

    Second thing I can think of is that you just emulate what Construct itself is doing. I don't know the exact workings of it though.

  • Compare two values

    Object.count <= 0 -> action

    Note that this will run every tick as long as theres 0 instances.

  • Check the manual, it's not much different than creating events.


    You just create the function, add your actions (add 1 to variable, play sound) and then just call that function whenever you want to increase the players extra lifes.

  • That's where you wanna use a function. Create a function that increases the variable and plays the sound (not looping). Then just call the function whenever the player gets an extra life.

  • Just scroll through the releases


    The stable releases usually sum up the important stuff including a little update video


  • Make a square sprite that you use for clicking, set it invisible, then use hierarchies to add the deflector as a child to that sprite. There's probably more nuance to this but I don't know your project exactly so I can't comment on that.


    You can then use the "Pick children" condition of the sprite to pick the deflector itself if you need it for something (like rotating)

  • I wonder if official plug-ins should be versioned just like 3rd party one. And have some setting somewhere where you can choose a version of the the official plug-in to use for cases like this where bug fixes or changes might have unintended consequences

    That would probably be the best way to handle this! The current solution would be to stay limited to the specific editor version, but if there's other stuff and fixes in the newer version you need/want, you're out of luck.

  • Glad to find another thing that will introduce a breaking change to a plugin if fixed :^)

  • Doublepost because I can. This decelerates the way I want to (and expect it to tbh) and I have the deceleration of the behavior itself set to 0. So at least there's an easy workaround. But I still wonder if the other behavior is expected, maybe it is, it's the 8 direction behavior, not the 360 degrees smooth movement behavior.

  • I have a sprite I intend to move via the 8direction behavior. I'd like to accelerate that sprite at a given angle for (enemy) movement (e.g. at a 10 degree angle)

    Doesn't work properly, the sprite does not move at a 10 degree angle, instead it goes straight ahead.

    I have another sprite that I wanna impact by an explosion. The explosion also accelerates the sprite at a 10 degree angle (e.g. based on the position to whatever exploded).

    Doesn't work as I'd expect, the sprite only briefly moves in the correct direction, then moves straight ahead instead of at the 10 degree angle.

    It's pretty obvious to me that this happens because the deceleration is applied horizontally and vertically, and not in the opposite direction of the velocity. But I do wonder if this is correct and intended. In any case, it's quite annoying and I have yet to figure out the formula to manually decelerate them the way I want to.

    c3p if you wanna check it out


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  • That looks dope!

  • I've had similar issues but that was even before the recent update. Sometimes the new image points just aren't saved properly but I also cannot reliably reproduce it. It just randomly doesn't work.

  • What exactly are you struggling with? There's an example project right there on the website and the plugin is very simple.



  • I think right now the ideal approach to working with AI is to simply also be capable yourself and just use it as a supplementary tool. If you just mindlessly copy the code it spews out you're not gonna get far, and you learn nothing from it. I don't need AI to produce code for me that works perfectly with constructs API. I can just get a basic idea of the logic that I need and adapt it to the API myself or translate it into what the code would look like with events (Constructs events are quite close to javascript in the end).

  • > Detect "holes" in the floor with a raycast.

    > wackytoaster.at/parachute/enemyturnaround.c3p

    Construct 2 doesn't have these Line of Sight parameters. :(

    Do you know what the alternative would be in C2 to replace them?

    You can sort of replace raycasts with sprites and just check "is overlapping ground"