madster's Forum Posts

  • Objects without the solid attribute, so they are not involved in collision calculations.

    Since I want only to involve the onscreen objects and I'll have a rather complex zooming/rotating screen... I guess I could early-cull in every condition by making the first condition a distance test to the center of the screen.... would that work?

    Something like this:

    +distance from tree to screen center > threshold
    +if player overlaps tree
    -> bounce[/code:3kwm34dr]
    would this avoid checking THE ENTIRE LAYOUT THAT'S CHOCK FULLA TREES and just check the trees that are visible or nearly visible? (provided a correct threshold)
  • This is a good idea for C2, but per pixel isn't much of a waste of resources. At 1 bit per pixel for a collision mask you're only using 128kb of memory for a 1024x1024 object, on machines which these days typically have well over 1gb physical RAM going spare.

    I think he means processing time, which is significantly larger for per-pixel than bounding box.

    Did you try dummy box objects? they are *exactly* what you're looking for.

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  • Construct does not consider collisions on the z axis, as it is geared for 2D and objects are flat. You'll have to do that manually.

  • I don't understand why anybody would shoot down supporting gamepads in a game engine. To be honest, I don't know why any game released wouldn't support gamepads. I agree wholeheartedly that making sure gamepad support is flawless and thorough should be a top priority.


    And this:

    So yeah, it's solved now. Yes it should be built-in, but hey, it works now so it's good.

    ( and I had asked, several times on several threads )

  • I would imagine you could do it similarly to how a motion blur effect works, just with a much slower update-rate.


    A shader only has access to the current textures. Motion blur does not have an update-rate, thus you cannot slow it down.

    Clones is the way to go.

    Unless you want the trail to have the CURRENT frame of the sprite (that is, the sprite and trail change frames at the same time) in which case I remember writing a variation of motion blur that had a trail, but that's also limited to a boundary around the sprite...... short story, it's best to use clones in that case too.

  • What are your feelings on shooters?

    Which ones do you enjoy the most? Shooting upwards, carefully avoiding enemy fire and judging when to use which firing mode? or moving about wildly while aiming with your SECOND GAMEPAD STICK?

    Could you say WHY you enjoy that style? (gets you pumped, relaxes you, lets you focus, etc)


  • How do non-solid offscreen objects affect performance?

    I might have a Jillion of them :s

  • no nO NO! don't encourage this! This is not a "challenging" game. This is an incorrectly balanced game! It is the most common mistake ever, It's bad and it needs to be corrected.

    I did find it REALLY easy from the beginning.

    I did find some of the saw jumps rather ill-designed, which becomes quickly annoying.

    Also, please PLEASE check the proportions in your characters. They have tiny deformed legs.

  • What do you mean by dummy hit box? [...] would have to use per pixel collisions anyways, since it's the only type of collision mode that works with rotated sprites.

    For a dummy hitbox, use a box. It rotates and does not use per-pixel collision, as it has no pixel definition.

  • do share

  • Wow I can't believe I hadn't tried this one out! it's awesome!

    And as a lover of horror stories.... I wish for a different ending I was like "aw that was going so well"

  • I did the global thing and it works perfectly

    The change you mention sounds much clearer, although I can use it as it is with this clarification (yay!)

  • I'm having some trouble

    It works awesomeLY, but for some reason when I try it in my game, it refuses to recognize controls by their name ("on control", etc)

    So.... halp? I really don't understand why it won't work here. I deleted everything in my game except for the bare minimum and it still won't work.

  • Actually, given the direction things are going right now, I believe web is a pretty damn good first choice (via canvas!).

    After that... I'd still go for consoles >_<

  • Also, that doesn't sound "more advanced" at all.

    Construct is pretty damn advanced as it is.

    Perhaps take the time to learn it?